Law of Consciousness – 14 Laws to Reform Your Life

law of consciousness

Here are the 14 Law of Consciousness to add essence to your life and make your world worth living.

1- Law of Abundance

The flow of abundance is based on principle of ‘give and take’.  The more you are open to receive, the more you get.

For example in case of love, the main reason you block yourself from receiving abundant love is that you close your heart.  Your fears about rejection and hurt make you close your heart.  As a result you either emotionally withdraw or cling onto unhealthy relationships.

Remove your barriers of beliefs, thoughts, memories and self-worthiness and let the abundance flow towards you. When there is a natural ‘in and out’ flow of love, caring and nurturing in your life, you feel balanced and abundant in all ways. If you want more happiness in your life, express and live happiness. This is how law of abundance works.

Prove to Universe that you are ready to receive and accept graciously and you will find that you feel happier and will draw the flow of happiness love, joy, success, prosperity, vitality, generosity, laughter and all the positive things towards you.

2- Law of Affirmation

The Universe rearranges itself to give you what you believe. The Law of Affirmation states that you bring about what you affirm.  Affirm that you are what you want to be.  You will become it sooner than you think.

Affirmations are thoughts, words or a phrase that are constantly repeated until they enter your unconscious mind and become part of your ‘programming’.

Most of us affirm unconsciously all the time. Your unconscious mind does not discriminate, and accepts all information whether it’s positive or negative and profoundly affects how you feel and act, your emotions, day to day activities, and ultimately, your entire life. The more energy and emphasis we put into our affirmations, the more deeply they enter our belief system. Make sure your affirmations contain only positive words with energy and intention.

3- Law of Attraction

It demonstrates how you create the things, events and people that come into your lives. Just like magnet, your dominant thoughts attract similar things in your life. You attract into your life people and situations that have similar vibrations to your own.

The underlying law is ‘like attracts like’.  Negative qualities such as depression, neediness, selfishness, desperation, greediness, unkindness or thoughtlessness transmit  low frequency.  If you have these elements in your personality you will magnetize someone with similar energy into your life. Positive qualities such as love, happiness, kindness, delight and generosity transmit higher frequency and magnetize people with similar energy into your life.

Look around you and note the characters around you in your life.  They are in your life for a reason. Your underlying beliefs attract situations and people to you. The inner attracts the outer.  If something in your outer world is not what you want it to be, look inside and shift how you feel about yourself.  Send out positive energy and wait for a miracle to be drawn towards you.

4- Law of Choice

The law of choice or free will states that universe grants you the right to direct and pursue your life and the quality of that life as it is presented, so long as you do not violate this same right of others. Your praarabdha makes your present situation. What situation presents to you is not in your control but how you handle your present makes your future destiny.

Like in card game, what cards you get is not in your control but how to play them is your choice and that is what decides the result of that game. This freewill is called “kriyaman karma”. Change your life results by reacting positive and determined  to your situation.

5- Law of Clarity

When you are totally clear about what you want, everyone picks up your message and responds accordingly. Lack of clarity ties up psychic energy and keeps you in confusion.  Clarity frees you to move forward and opens new doors of opportunity.

Make a move in direction using your intuition and body sensations.  It is important that you make a decision to move, regardless of how fearful or difficult it may seem. If you choose not to make a decision, then you have already made a decision. Clarity opens doors to the future. Speak clearly to the Universe about your wants, needs and wishes.  Clear thoughts and intentions draw from the Universe that which you require in your life.

6- Law of Discernment

Discernment is the ability to judge well and make decisions. When you work with the forces of the Universe, you must always use discrimination and discernment.  If any impressions or feelings do not feel right to you, then it is up to you to listen to your intuition, be discerning and then make the right choice.

Your intuition tells you whether someone is being honest or whether or not it feels right to you.  We often disregard this because our logical mind argues against it or because we do not want to believe it.  We over-ride and disregard our intuition. If you are not discerning, you will bear the resultant karma. It is your responsibility to be discerning in your life.

7- Law of Faith

Faith means constantly listening to your inner-guidance and intuition. It is a quality of such high frequency that it makes the impossible possible.  Faith allows miracles to take place. The Universal Spiritual Law of Faith is simple.  If you have total faith in an outcome, it will come about. Allow absolute total trust in the Universe and know that whatever is for the greatest good will happen. Faith takes fear away. Faith is the greatest power.

8- Law of Flow

We live in a Universe where Nothing is static.  Everything moves and changes.  The Law of Flow governs every area of your life. To allow new into your life you must let go of the old.  If you hold onto old emotions you are full of those old memories which prevent fresh and happier things from coming in.

As soon as you throw away rubbish from you home and life, the Law of Flow will ensure that something else takes its place.  It is your choice as to whether you replace the rubbish with more rubbish, or shift your consciousness to attract something better.  If you have the same thoughts and beliefs, then the same conditions will return. If you start making changes, no matter how small or insignificant they may seem, automatically something different has to come in.

Go with the flow.’ Guidance often comes in the form of intuition and when you honor it, you go with the flow of the current of life.

9- Law of Focus

Whatever you focus on and give your attention to, will manifest. “Where focus goes, energy flows”.

Attention is the focus of your thoughts, words and actions. The only thing that stops you from manifesting your dreams, goals and desires, is your own doubts and fears.  Watch where you put your thoughts. Remember, the positive has a more powerful charge than the negative.

When you hold the positive in your attention, you make your dreams, goals and desires come to fruition.  When you hold the vision and do the necessary work, success is assured. Focus on what you want and you will get it. ‘Be careful what you wish for as you just might get it.’

10- Law of Gratitude

Gratitude is giving thanks from your heart.  When you do this, energy flows from your heart and activates certain responses from other people, as well as the Universe.

If you are totally grateful to a person for something they have done, that person feels the energy of thanks and is so over-joyed by it that they want to give you more. When you send out heartfelt thanks to the Universe for the blessings you have received, the Divine energy lovingly responds by giving you even more blessings. Heartfelt gratitude is a key to abundance. It unlocks the great resources of the Universe.

11- Law of Intention

Intentions are much more powerful than wants, wishes or hopes.  Intention releases a frequency that makes things happen. Whatever your aim in life, if you gather the energy and keep your target in sight, the force of the Universe backs your vision.  That is the power of intention.

According to law of karma, when your intentions are noble and honorable, even if your plan does not come to fruition, you will be rewarded for the purity of your ideals. Make sure that your intentions do not come from the ego, but are for the highest good as Universal energy supports the highest good. Universal energy supports your intention. It is the basis of manifestations.

12- Law of Manifestation

You have manifested every single thing that is in your life. Everything in the Universe has an energetic frequency of its own.  When you tune-in to the vibrational frequency of the vision you seek, you start manifesting it. Clarity is the key to manifestation.  Be still, clear and precise.

If you want to attract a friend who is open-hearted, fun-loving and light, then you must develop those desired qualities in yourself. The ability to manifest is extremely powerful so it is important that you manifest only for the highest good. You must have clarity and clear picture about what you want.  Visualization is an important element.  You must have absolute faith that your intention will come to fruition.

13- Law of Resistance

When you focus on something, you are ‘calling’ it towards you. With your thoughts and beliefs you invite people, situations, experiences and material things into your life. Your unconscious mind and the Universal mind work similar to computers.  You cannot tell a computer ‘not’ to bring up a certain file if you have clicked on it, as it cannot accept negative instructions.  It will assume you DO want that file and bring it up.

Your thoughts access your unconscious mind. Some people have illness in their lives because they ‘resist’ illness.  ‘Don’t’, ‘can’t’, ‘won’t’ and ‘not’ are words which invoke the Law of Resistance. If you are continuously thinking ‘I don’t want to be ill’, the word ‘ill’ filters constantly into your unconscious mind … making you ill. On the positive side, statements such as ‘I am healthy’; ‘I deserve a perfect partner’; ‘I welcome riches’; bring that energy towards you.

14- Law of Success

Your self-belief creates a frequency. You succeed when your frequency resonates with the frequency of the outcome you desire. To succeed, clear out the physical, mental and emotional clutter and focus where you are going.

If you wish to activate the Law of Success then be clear about what you want, have the necessary faith in yourself and work steadfastly towards that vision. Allow the law of Flow to turn for you, let go and keep a positive focus on where you wish to be.




Love & Light 

To know more about Law of Universe click here

Courtesy : Joanne

Love between husband and wife is the base for healthy society. Only ideal couples become ideal parents. Ideal Parenting in turn create ideal children who build up healthy society, state and nation and become ideal couple once again to repeat the history.

Laws of Consciousness

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