You Have A Brighter Future


It is very common for Twin Flames tend to not fit in the world and that is because you are here to create a new. You are far from “ordinary” people. Keep up being an enlightened one and know you have a brighter future.

“People who face big problems seem to be the ones who have a big purpose”

Always remember, in every Twin Flame’s path, if things are extra tough, It’s for a Reason. There is always a learning behind it. This is how Universe navigate us towards our soul purpose step by step.

You deliberately set yourself up with this contract prior to your birth.

All of this is designed and agreed upon with soul contracts, in order to help expand the human perceptions of what is “normal” and acceptable as love and relationships and help the human collective expand into unconditional love.

So know this – if you seem to be facing a difficult path, it’s because your soul (and your Twin’s) has big plans for you!

And the good thing is, you didn’t come unprepared. You are a powerful being and that’s why you took this on. Your spiritual guidance team are very actively connected in your journey too.

You Were Thoroughly Prepared for This

Nothing was left to chance in this project. Although things may vary due to free will once we reached life, every nuances were taken into consideration. The choices you made as a pair, were carefully designed to get you the most effectively to a state of unity.

However, what complicates most Twins’ journey is they are supposed to incarnate into genetic lines, families and cultures with dire low vibrational themes. This is the reason why many Twins grow up feeling different from others.

The but obvious purpose behind it is to *not* fit in so much. So that we can break open the human conflict paradigms that have existed on this planet for so long.

So if you’ve ever felt a bit like an “outsider”, this is the positive reason behind it. In a way you’re like a spy on a mission, sent from a more evolved background, to go “undercover” and help change things for the better from within here…

You are an OLD Soul

Every Twin will agree with this fact, beyond reasonable doubt, that they have consciousness different from others. This is because they are ancient souls, highly evolved beings, consciousness that originated outside of earth.

Twin Flames are highly evolved brave souls who have set themselves the challenge and great gift of experiencing and sharing unconditional love with each other in the physical realm, and with the world itself.

And every twin understands this from with in that they have chosen this path consciously and this is why they are here.


You are the Torch Bearer for Upcoming Future

Because the aim of the Twin Flame “mission” is to activate the energies and portals of unconditional love on the planet – so that this becomes available for the rest of the human collective.

Like the pathfinder who is the first one to walk across the unknown – so others can follow.

The truth is you came here in order to come together in Love – it’s not impossible, and you both carry within a soul blueprint of how you can join together in Union once again.

Your uniqueness is your power!

As a Twin Flame, you are not like everyone else – and you’re NOT meant to be!

Your soul chose for it to be like this. Because if you were like everyone else on the planet, you wouldn’t be able to go beyond the “normal”.

Returning to your uniqueness is key to reaching a state of unity with your Twin Soul and fulfilling your purpose/mission.

Latent Codes of Love is in Your Spiritual DNA

Unconditional Love is powerful because it carries the highest vibrational frequency of all. Love is the base of our Universe. Twin Flames are meant to be template-bearers of a new love-based reality, to pass onto future generations… Even for those of us who choose not to have biological families.

All Twin Flames who are incarnate on earth right now carry new templates of unconditional love which have lain dormant in our energetic DNA throughout early life – even if you are not aware of it yet.

This means, in our systems are latent codes of a form of love that is needed to elevate consciousness on this planet.

You know how to heal karmic patterns

The karma many Twin Flames experience isn’t really real. Most of us TOOK IT ON, willingly, so that we could help heal it – to help the planet as a whole. Because when key karmic patterns are healed, it has enormous ripple effects for the collective energy fields.

They are not really your experiences. You took them on willingly! Like helping someone else carry heavy luggage, because you knew you were stronger and could get the bags to their rightful place more easily…

However, the problem is, it’s still in your system. You accepted it to carry it as your own, so unfortunately it is still wired into your being. Present in your energy fields, your chakras, your energy bodies, your being.

The great thing is, once you know it’s not really your experiences, it will get “released” out of your system. This awareness will make things easier for you – To resolve the issues and cleanse them out for good future!

Blessings For Your Brighter Future

There is more to life than what we can see, touch and hear with our human physical senses.

So go beyond! And if you’re not sure exactly what future looks like right now, simply set the intention that you’re opening up. Then notice what begins to appear – ideas, feelings, thoughts, insights, developments…

Let me tell you – The Universe want to commend and applaud you for your commitment to your Twin Flame Journey. Your courage and efforts to stay “Yourself” has opened the doorway to Divine Connections for you….!




Love & Light


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