Relation of Panchkosha Panchprana and Chakras

relation of panchkosha panchprana chakra

Human body mechanism is full of mysteries yet to be revealed. As we know that Chakras are “the energy centers”, Panchmahakosh are “five sheaths” and Panchmahaprana are five “forces of the air” regulating our human body. But do you know that they are all interconnected and interdependent too? Let’s see the relation of Panchkosha Panchprana and Chakras !

The outermost or the first sheath of our body is the Annamaya kosha also known as food body, that is made by what we eat. This is our physical body, the body of nourishment, connected with the absorption of food and evacuation of feces. Annamaya kosha seats on Muladhara or Root Chakra. Muladhara is the chief center of apana. Apana vayu moves downward and outward. It governs all form of elimination and reproduction of your body.

The second sheath is the vital body- the Pranamaya kosha. It is the life force energy responsible for breathing. Our physical body has value due to prana. Manipura and swadhisthana chakras are the seat of pranamaya kosha. The chief vayu of swadhisthana is vyana which governs circulation on all level, imparting momentum and providing strength throughout the body. Manipura  vayu is samana. Also known as “balancing air”, it digests and distributes the essence of food to entire system.

The third sheath is Manomaya kosha or mental body, made by mind, thoughts, and emotions. Anahata chakra represents manomaya kosha, controlling the mind and emotions. Its vayu is prana, it moves inward body and governs all kind of reception which passes through your sensory organs. It also governs your inward mental experiences that you perceive from outside.

The fourth sheath is Vijnanmaya kosha, a vishesh jnan body which is subtler than the mind. It is the field of intuitive feelings, something that is beyond thought, beyond reason. It is the Vijnanmaya kosha that every discovery, innovation, new creativity, comes from. Along with vishuddhi chakra, ajna forms the basis for vijnanamaya kosha, which initiates psychic development. Its vayu is udana, the upward moving air which brings qualitative or transformative movements of life energy. It governs growth of body which lasts till the end of life.

The fifth sheath is Anandamaya kosha, the blissful body. Also known as causal body, it belongs to Sahasrar chakra. Sahasrar chakra belongs to the seventh or highest loka of satyam, the plane of truth. The blissful body is much expanded than the physical body, which is why whenever you are joyful, you feel a sense of extension. It carries super consciousness. It is said that when crown chakra awakens, the cosmic sound of Om is heard and one realizes the source of all creation.




Love & Light

Balanced Panchkosha Panchprana and Chakras defines Well-being of a Person.


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