fear of death

You are not you think you are. Your identity is an illusion. The biggest puzzle of human life is the illusion of identity. The real nature of existence is ceaseless transformation, ceaseless transcendence. Every single moment brings change and metamorphosis. And to us, change means death. Death is the only real thing that is sure to happen to us. The fear of death is stored in every cell of our body. The fear of death serves a significant role in our survival, but it also limits us. What would you do when you realize that there is no such thing as ‘death’, but only ‘transformation’?

We have died several times. We are used to dying. It’s just that we don’t remember. In fact taking birth is more harsh than leaving this body. Can you imagine the pain of hanging upside down with weak and yet to develop body parts for several months in a dark confined space into that stinking liquid with almost zero control over self-situation? And that too at the end of that confinement you are supposed to cross your whole body head-start through the gateway that’s almost equal to size of your tiny little baby-fist..! Don’t you think dying is more easier than being born? Birth is the highest level of trauma one could ever imagine. That’s why Universe make us forget our birth process.

Holding on to ‘identity’ means refusing to engage with real life.

We are often afraid that by engaging with authentic self, the ‘image’ that we crafted with hard efforts year after year, will collapse. And who wants to feel unwanted? “That’s not who I am” – “I want to stay true to myself”. But staying true to yourself is the biggest lie you have ever told. If you want to stay “true” to yourself, and NOT change, you basically refuse to engage with the world and not letting yourself be changed by it.

The refusal to engage with the world means separation, alienation. Do you really want to be isolated from the world? Do you really want to be alone? Because this is what you’re doing when you cling to your identity, when you cling to your ego. You separate yourself from the world.

The core is not fear of death, it’s fear of immortality. More precisely, it is the fear of the transformation that is integral part of our immortal nature.

You are not the person you were yesterday. And tomorrow you will not be the person you are today. Clinging to a static identity keeps you trapped inside your inner cocoon. The ‘real’ you doesn’t exist, so don’t waste time and energy trying to find it, or play by its obsolete rules. The more you try to get attestation for something that doesn’t exist, the more you are fragmented. The more you cling to a static concept of identity, the more you suffer. Rather find your inner real self, it will drift you away from the ideas you were propagandized to believe.

When you accept that your identity is an illusion, then transcendence becomes normal in your life. Be sure that you are ever-evolving, who can be anyone, can be everywhere and nowhere. You can go back into your past and rewrite your memories. You can go into the future and reverse engineer your present. Death is just a transformation. When you transcend the fear of transformation, anything becomes possible.




Love & Light

PRO TIP :- “If you are not sure what you want to do in life, at-least be sure what you don’t want to. That too will help direct your deeds to your soul purpose automatically”.

fear of death

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