Law of Universe and Their Eternity

law of universe

Do you know the life you are living right now has been designed merely by you?? Are you aware that your thought is the only biggest manufacturer of miracles?? And this all is happening under influence of Law of Universe?

Nothing in your life is an accident. Your physical/non-physical existence is a mysterious puzzle. You are the only inventor, creator and attractor of all things that comes to your experience in life. General Law keeps changing, depending upon growing circumstances and evolutionary requirements. But Law of Universe are ever existing and eternal. Knowingly or unknowingly you have been following these laws always..! You are under effects of them all the time.

Let’s see 9 significant Law of Universe:

Law of Truth

Truth is ultimate reality of existence. Truth is our natural state. Anything that’s natural and original is truth. Truth can never be created nor be destroyed. Anything that you realize is truth. Truth is pure, eternal, absolute and never-changing. Nobody can ever hide or manipulate the truth. It is always obvious, transparent, non-biased and pure as fire. Truth is the ultimate destiny of your life.

Satyamev Jayate. Only Truth Triumphs. The only thing that’s ever victorious in this universe is only truth. Satyam Shivam Sundaram. Truth is form of Lord Shiva. Where you find peace is truth. Truth is the foundation of universe.

Law of Dharma

Keeping of self-duty is dharma. Dharma is perpetual and eternal. River’s dharma is to flow and serve natures’ beings. Dharma of sun is to provide light and nourishment to entire nature. Every existing and non existing entity have dharma of their own to follow.

Dharma stays absolute even in changing cultures and civilization. It is unchangeable even in past, present or future. Fulfilling of self-duty according to circumstantial demand is Dharma for human beings.

Law of Karma

The key to the Law of Karma is ‘you reap what you sow.’ No one can escape from cycle of karma. If you do your karma as a part of your dharma, without any attachment involved, that is how you cut yourself from the karmic pattern.

Lord Krishna is the best example of Karma yogi. Throughout his life he performed all his karma as part of his dharma. To the exact extent that you live these qualities, you will receive an equivalent back into your life, at some time.

Law of Lifecycle

Everything that has been created or born has to get destroyed or die. Everything that has been ended has to reform.  Its just like transformation from one form to another. Whether its tree, rivers or living beings, the life cycle continues.

Earth is a planet of free-will and choice.  Every thought, word or deed eventually manifests into your life.  Your mindsets and emotions build your physical body and provide you with opportunities to have different experiences. As a result of this experiences you keep on vibrationally generating new situations of experiences and life cycle keeps on going on principles of Praarabdha.

Law of Energy

Purusha (masculine) and Prakruti (feminine) Urja (energy) forms everything in this Universe. Masculine and feminine principles are the base of whole creation. The spiritual initiate must balance the masculine and feminine energies within themselves. Day/night, dark/light, river/ocean, sun/moon etc are examples of these polarity.

Even human body is made up of both masculine and feminine energies. Ida or left portion is feminine while pingla, the right portion is masculine. Masculine energy covers physical and mental aspects like doing, thinking, logical, aggressive while the feminine energy covers emotional and spiritual aspects like being creative, intuitive and passive.

Law of Healing

Universal vital force or praana operates your physical body. Every emotion in this world is either made out of love or fear. When you resist your chosen experiences through fear, you create blocks in your mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. As a result you start blocking free flow of praana in your body which eventually causes both mental and physical tension.

Denied or suppressed emotions sit within the body until they manifest into a physical illness. Blocked flow of praana causes ill-health and diseases. Love is a high frequency energy which keeps your body clear and flowing while fear blocks the flow. When you feel happiness and inner joy your cells flow with love and your body responds by being healthy.

Healing takes place when high-frequency energy flows through the body, transmuting the stagnant energy and retaining back the health. The praana is universal healing force for entire universe.

Law of Vibration

Everything in universe has its own vibrational frequency, unique of its own. Every emotion of your dwell in continuum of frequency ranging from higher to lower. Fear, anger, rage are heavy vibration and a low frequency. In contrast, peace, calmness, love and harmony are light vibrations with a high frequency.

Animals respond to frequencies of which we humans are not aware. A dog growls if you are frightened of it, and a horse will immediately know if you are scared and will respond accordingly. If you are feeling strong, confident and loving, all creatures (humans, animals and plants) will respond positively to the high frequency you emit. When you live your life with charm, grace, joy, integrity, generosity and any of the other positive qualities, you will automatically dissolve the low frequency emission of self/others and raise them to a higher level.

Law of Interconnection

We live in a world where everything connects to everything else. Everything we do, say, think, and believe affect others and universe around us in. Everything whether it is living or nonliving in this universe vibrationally attaches to each other in a rhythmic manner. Once you perceive everything in form of vibrations and frequency, hidden truths of universe reveals to you.

Law of Miracles

When higher frequency dissolves and transmutes your lower energy, miracle occurs.  This is the Universal Law of Miracles. Miracles are always there, but we aren’t always able to receive the answered prayers as our systems are often blocked from negativity. This is why miracles only seem to happen intermittently or unexpectedly as WE are out of alignment. As your vibrations rises, synchronicity and coincidences happens in your life which we call miracles.

Whole hearted forgiveness and unconditional love are higher frequencies which make miracles happen. Miracles are a natural result of the activation of higher energies. While vibrating on personal higher frequency, when you ask for miracles from universe, spiritual forces starts working behind the scenes to co-ordinate the Universe to make sure that miraculous events take place in your life.


You have to deal with what you have made of yourself as by product of your past thought vibrations. It’s a never ending cycle. Only by understanding the law of universe you can become free of pattern. Be consciously aware of your vibrational attitude as when you know what you live is result of your own thoughts, you align with present vibrations. Your life is what you make of it, and not what happens accidentally.

Your existence is a miracle itself…!! That’s what Law of Universe says..!!!




Love & Light

To know more about Law of Consciousness click here

The Classic Symbolism of Purusha and Prakruti – Shiva & Shakti

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