Twin Flame vs Soulmate : The Difference

twin flame vs soul mate

The thought process behind the twin flame vs soulmate is presently emerging “New Era of Human Evolution” where spiritual growth will enhance relationships among partners.

So our partners will not just be someone we love and enjoy. Instead, they will be someone that makes us want to be a “better person”.

More and more twin flames are seen to be emerging and awakening in this time to help in ascension of earth. They have incarnated in present times of “Dimension Change”…. With a purpose to experience duality and guide humanity over many lifetimes ensuring their safe passage between dimensions…!!!

Twin Flame Life Pattern

The “Aim” of twin flame relationship is to unite on physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level. To ascend to a higher dimension of consciousness…!!!

For this, you both go on a journey of self-improvement and higher awareness to bring your energies in-line with your ideal…!!

We spend our whole lives trying to wrestle with our own “egos” over “self-awareness”…!!! Self- examining our flaws and bad habits is difficult…!! So the ego often wins…!!! The ego tries to get in the way of “honest self-examination” because every imperfection you point out will hurt its pride. (Ego is the biggest enemy for spiritual seekers)

But your twin flame help you “to see” yourself more clearly…..!!! Giving you a “new perspective” on your own personal and spiritual state…!!

Twin flames tend to lead very similar lives before the meeting. They usually have a shared set of values, morals and priorities…!! (Due to mirror soul effect)

Twin flames often find out that they have been to the same places as each other at the same time on plenty of occasions. But as neither of them was “Ready for their Twin Flame”, they didn’t meet. Crisscrossing but not meeting is an example of synchronicity.

When twin flames are together, they jointly have a “Sense of Destiny”…!!! They know that together they are where they are supposed to be, with whom they are supposed to be with and travelling towards where they are supposed to be going…!!

Soul Mate Life Pattern

They will never stick to each other forever. Soul mates come in our life to push us to the next level of karmic pattern. They are like “one station” of our soul journey whom we have to cross over after “few minutes of halt”..!!!

Soul mates may seem like the perfect match, they aren’t truly meant for each other. All of the feelings you may feel with your soul mate can be very similar to the feelings you will have when you finally meet your twin flame, but on more deeper and pure level…!!

Furthermore, you can have multiple soul mates throughout your life.!!!

twin flame relationship

Twin Flame vs Soulmate

We all have many Soul Mates but “Only One” Twin Flame…!!!

People may call their love partners or love obsession or soulmates as their twin flame but that’s not true. “Twin flames are RARE”..!!!

Soul Mates are those who share a frequency that are near about “compatible to yours”. You often “dial up” to meet soul mates to learn from each other and to evolve as souls. Your Twin Flame, however, is the only other being in the universe who shares the “Exact Same Frequency” as you.

Twin flames vibrate at a much higher frequency than soul mates, and they are the perfect example of the “Yin/Yang”.

A soul mate may feel like someone you have a lot in common with, and you may get along very well…!!! But with a twin flame connection, it is very different in the way that they are “Extraordinarily Similar” to you…. The twin flame almost seems like an “Identical Twin” in another form…!!

Although twin flames are two individual souls, they “Complete Each Other” very well. They understand and connect in a unique way. They are similar to you in many profound ways. Their strengths complement your weaknesses so perfectly that it feels as though you can get through any struggle or hardship together better…!!

In twin flame journey, you realize that the best person for you will always be your twin flame. Since they are your mirror; they reveal your weaknesses and flaws…!!!

With your Twin Flame, you are in an accelerated experience of learning centered on love. You are always impacting each other, “automatically” pushing each other to learn, heal old wounds and resolve inner issues…!!!

A soul mate will feel as though you have met someone you think belongs to your lives for a particular purpose. But with a twin flame, it will feel as though you have assembled a mirror image of yourself and are no doubt meant to be together, no matter what it takes…!!

Why Twin Flame Runner Resists The Reunion?

Twin flames may be living in “Two Human Bodies”, but their souls are two parts of the “Same Whole”…!!!

The initial uniting of twin flames will always be intense and explosive. But as the dust settles and they begin to exhibit their personality traits with each other, consequences begin to occur.

Whether it is twin flame vs soulmate, after all, we are humans. We come with our unique set of flaws that can be quite diverse and complicated. Everyone has personality pros and cons, and twin flames exhibit these same flaws.

(and in most cases, these flaws are the one which twins developed in themselves due to social conditioning and family beliefs they are born into….. Twin flames are here to first “feel those flaws” and then “shedding them away” with help of their mirror soul. Thus accelerating towards their spiritual ascension….!!!)

Because Twin Flames’ energies are of an identical frequency, all their “issues” and “inner shadows” tend to play out in the Twin Flame dynamic…!!!

You could almost call it as “Contagious Effect”, where each Twin’s inner fears affect the other….!!! This may not sit well with either one of the twinflame…!! They might see it as a direct attack…!!! As a result, they would create distance from their other twin…!! (And thus the twinflame runner/chaser phase starts..!!!)

Purposely creating distance with your twin flame is known as twin flame running.

A twin flame runner can’t “Handle the Truth”, so they “Resist” the twin flame love and Run Away….!!!

In reality, they are running from their own flaws, insecurities or hidden pains of shadow. (Shadow-work is an excellent remedy for twin flame reunion)

This happens so that the pair learn the spiritual lesson, that “All Fears are Based in Illusions” and “Love is the Only Truth”…!!!

To awaken to “Illumination” while still in a physical body, to become “Enlightened” through love…!!!

This is why “Energy cleansing” and “Energy management” is crucial to reaching the Reunion of Twin Souls. Making the journey back to your core frequency, where you are effortlessly connected in harmony…!!!

A Key to Find Your Twin Flame (If You are on a Twin Flame Journey)

If you haven’t yet found your Twin Flame, just know that the experience is absolutely open to you. However, finding and connecting to your Flame requires “Inner Work” and “Shadow Work”…!!! Cleanse your negativity so that you can reach to your original core frequency..!!

“Following your Heart” with unbiased motive is the key to twin flame union..!! ‘Develop” your intuitive power-and that could only be done, if you follow what your body sensations has to tell you..!!

The best way to connect with your Twin Flame isn’t through any manifestation methods. But through genuine practice of “Self-Love”. You must be willing to deal with the “darkest places” within you before you can truly open to the Twin Flame Connection…!!!




Love & Light

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