You are born to fulfill your SOUL PURPOSE


You are a spiritual being and have a soul purpose to complete. That’s the reason why you incarnated on Earth plane in this lifetime. Go within to see who you really are.

People pleasing and wanting to fit in are the main culprits for living a half-life.

It fails us to figure out who we really are and what we really want from our lives.

It’s not selfish to turn your gaze inward and make sure you are happy and thriving. It’s not selfish at all; in fact, it’s vital.

There are so many things we believe we have to do or should be doing. But have you ever stopped to think about what your true calling is here on earth?

Open yourself up for your soul purpose

Give yourself permission to say no to things you no longer want and yes to new things you do want.

permit yourself to play and travel and be; and see if anything stirs your soul.

Give yourself permission to be selfish sometimes, and figure out who you really are.

Maybe you’re in a work that isn’t where your true passion lies. Perhaps you’re in a relationship that you’ve outgrown. Or possibly you’re not giving yourself time to explore all the interests and hobbies that your soul is desperate to experience.

Follow your heart’s desires and use your personal creativity in ways that uplift your own energies and that of others.

It brings a message to pursue your soul purpose and life mission.

To find your life mission and soul purpose, ask yourself:

“What is my passion?”
“What do I feel passionate about?”
“How I want my life to be like?

“What makes me happy?”

You will know your passion and purpose because they make your pulse race and your heart sing.

soul purpose

You were born to perform healing functions

Spiritual beings who are called to do spiritual healing will be working in the true-self world. Therefore, our focus is not so much on actions, or doing treatments as such. Our job is to help others change from ‘ego’ to ‘true-self’.

Your inner-guide will lead you to the place or role where you belong.

Don’t worry about how you will learn to do your lightworking function – just trust that YOU WILL.

Each spiritual being receives their own unique assignments in regards to how to help in the healing of the world.

You may be called upon to do healing work on either the ‘ego plane’ of 3D world, or the true spiritual plane.

In energy healing work, you use your natural psychic abilities to see and feel others energy centers.

Your energy work may also incorporate psychic healing in which you tune into your others emotions and thoughts that are creating ‘problems’.

You are here to fulfill healing functions. Psychic abilities and communication help to hear, see, feel and/or know the source of someone’s emotional and/or physical distress, enabling you to offer and give the relevant healing/s.

Connect with your inner guide

Open your heart and mind and become aware of signs, synchronicities and messages appearing especially for you, specifically to meet your needs at this very moment.

Be the creator of your own experiences by intentionally guiding your own life and consciously choosing the direction of your thoughts, intentions and actions.

Because this is how you’ll discover your soul purpose. This is how you’ll find the real you, underneath all of the programmings and inherited beliefs.

Delve deep within your heart and acknowledge the importance and significance of your life mission, and make a positive difference in the world in your own unique ways.

Be aware and observant of even the smallest events and circumstances in your life, and watch out for signs, signals and messages to appear that support your spiritual growth and soul purpose.

By simply paying attention and heightening your awareness your spiritual focus will become very clear.

Your strong connection with universe will manifest auspicious circumstance and opportunities that will resonate with your genuine, heart-felt interests.

Continue listening to your inner-wisdom and intuition as well as the guidance from Universe. Trust that the right avenues and means will appear in Divine right time.

Contribute in healing Mother Earth

Make a concerted effort to spread your loving energies in order to dissipate destructive and negative mass consciousness. Use your knowledge of healing to teach, counsel, write, heal and enlighten others.

As spiritual beings our most vital contributions to the planet Earth and its inhabitants are done on a mental and spiritual plane.

Every instance in which you have experienced pain can serve as your ‘teacher’. It help you to learn, grow and find ways to live in peaceful happiness and ultimately fulfill your soul purpose.

You may encounter resistance from people who fear or misunderstand your motives. Do not react to their fears with anything but love and light, otherwise you give power and energy to fear.

You are able to manifest and heal anything if you hold the essence of Love….!




Love & Light

soul purpose

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