Twin Flame: The Other Half of Your Soul

Twin flames

Your Twin flame is a person with whom you have an intense magnetic attraction and recognition, from both sides. You feel as if you have been waiting for this person your entire life. 

A Relationship Beyond That of a Soul Mate

You may have many soul mates in form of different relations but you have “only one twin flame’ in this entire world. A soul mate is someone who is made from the same kind of energy as you, but who has never existed in fusion with you. So, although soul mate connections are highly important, the relation with a twin flame is totally on another level. It is an eternal bonding.

Your Twin knows you better than anyone else in the world. Your strengths and weaknesses perfectly balance each other. No matter how many times you fight, you always forgive each other completely.

You learn the values of unconditional love, empathy, compassion and forgiveness with them. You’re both driven towards a higher spiritual/social purpose together.

What are Twin Flames?

A twin flame is an esoteric concept, which describes a spiritual connection between two mirror souls. Twin flames are those souls who have agreed to reincarnate together across lifetime.

The thought process behind the twin flame is presently emerging “New Era of Human Evolution” where spiritual growth will enhance relationships among partners.

More and more twin flames are seen to be emerging and awakening in this time to help in ascension of earth. They have incarnated in present times of “Dimension Change”…. With a purpose to experience duality and guide humanity over many lifetimes ensuring their safe passage between dimensions…!!!

These are the couples who have strong “Empathic and Psychic Abilities”. (Even if they are not yet aware of it or don’t know how to use it-these abilities works in pair for them.)

Twin flames may be living in “Two Human Bodies”, but their souls are two parts of the “Same Whole”…!!!

There is a strong sense of feeling between you as you’re both “destined to be together”. You feel as if you’ve finally found a “home or safe place” with the other person.

Just like biological twins share same genetic code, you and your twin flame share a soul because you both have an identical soul pattern or blueprint.

A twin flame is the other half of your soul. You both are like a piece of paper torn into two splits, where both parts complete each other.

The Unique Spiritual Element

Twin flame is rather an eternal spiritual connection between two souls from several “Yugas”. Twin flames are very rare…!!

The old souls from higher dimensions incarnate as twin flames for humanitarian purposes. Especially during the times when earth goes through “Dimension Shifts”….!!! Twin flames acts as an anchor in bridging the two dimensions…!!

Usually, either of the twin flame stays in “Spiritual Plane” to assist other in “Human Life”. But, if both of you incarnate together around same period, there is a specific combined purpose involved with “Pre-Birth Contract”….!!!

Twin flames are representation of divine masculine and divine feminine energies. You both share same chakra system…!!!

The “Ardha-narishwar Shiva and Shakti”are the perfect examples of a twin flame relation where they both are independent, yet incomplete without each other….!!!


Twin Flame Serendipity

If you are on twin flame journey in present birth, you are fated to meet this person at some point in your life. When you encounter the person who carries the other half of your energy, it creates a profound sense of having known your twin flame all your lives.

Sudden synchronicity exist between you. Unknowingly you cross each other many times in physical planes before you both are ready for union. Situations automatically turn out in a way with lots of unbelievable events to unite you both.

You will know when you’ve connected with this person because you’ll immediately experience a sense of recognition and wholeness. The two of you will be pulled together like magnets! There is a sensation that “time doesn’t exist between you”.

14 Most Genuine Twin Flame Symptoms

**1)_An immediate, intense connection with them that is energizing and astonishing at the same time.

**2)_You both often have same thoughts or emotions at the same time, even if you’re in different places. This may result in you saying the same thing almost exactly at the same moment when you’re together in person.

**3)_You’re highly empathic with each other and intuitively know what the other person is doing, feeling, or thinking about. You both finely tune to each other’s energy.

**4)_Twin flames personify the yin and yang, that is, your dark side is balanced by their light side, and their dark side is balanced by your light side. You complement each other profoundly.

**5)_You are able to be natural and authentic around this person safely, without the fear of rejection or judgment with them. For example, even if you’re normal introvert or shy, you will feel comfortable enough to just be you in their presence. You can be truthful and honest with each other about anything.

**6)_Urge of strong physical pull to touch and be close. (Twinflame’s body have the capacity to “Heal” and soothe each other…. Even with their single touch, you feel, all your pains to disappear..!!) With them, you feel a sense of expansion, as if you are larger than your limited identity.

**7)_You feel like you can easily communicate without uttering a word. A simple glance will often be enough to tell you what your twin flame thinks about and what’s going on around them.

**8)_You both share many of the same values and preferences like food choices, travel places, area of interests etc.

**9)_They make you a better person, and you make them a better person. When together, you are bonded but free, attached but unattached. That is, you still maintain your freedom even though you might be in a relationship with them.

**10)_Your twin flame doesn’t try to change you. They accept you the way you are and encourage you to do what you love doing for yourself. Both of you do this with each other.

*11)_You mirror each other. As a result, you may see some of your old faults in your twin flame, or have some of your present difficulties highlighted by the way this person behaves.

**12)_One of you is more soulfully mature than the other and often serves as the mentor, counselor or guide within the relationship. You have a multi-faceted connection together, that is you are best friends, teachers, caregivers and lovers to each other.

**13)_You both were bought up in total opposite environment. For example, one of you was bought up in joint family environment while other had lonely environment with minimal relatives and working parents. Ultimately both felt like orphans in childhood. You were raised in very different ways, which led to the development of opposite childhood wounds that you now have the opportunity to mend.

**14)_Both of you have dreams at night that when combined leads to hidden message connected. You both frequently appear in each other’s dreams. Sometimes your dreams will only overlap in theme, but the core message and feeling will be same.

Your Twin Flame is Your Mirror 

Their soul is a mirror of yours, showing all the same traits and patterns. Through your twin flame, you can see your own soul more clearly and better understand how your experiences have affected you throughout your life.

For example, if you are creatively suppressive, your twin flame will be an excellent artist. If you are highly-tension-taking person, they will most likely be relaxing and chilling. If you like to play the victim, they will be a strong character that refuses to show sympathy towards you to take you out of victim consciousness.

In this way, they challenge you but also “Teach You” important lessons about your fears, core wounds, and repressions. Your twin flame is a mirror of what you fear and simultaneously desire the most for your own inner healing….!!!

Twin Flame Love

Twin flame love story is not like a normal one. It involves 8 different stages that twins go through which is not everybody’s cup of tea…!! But their eternal love connection and determination sail them through their toughest times towards each other… No matter what their situation seems..!!!

Your relationship with your twin will naturally be extremely intense because twin flames are mirrors of one another. You both connect deeply and mirror each other’s values and aspirations for life beyond surface similarities….!!!

This person will not only provide a sense of wholeness; they will also elevate your self-knowledge, including knowledge of your flaws.

Twin flame love is a real fire. A fire that may burn you if you do not handle properly. But at the same time it is the most heavenly thing you can ever imagine. Consequently, there’s a potential for conflict as well as happiness.

A Key to Harmony

The conflicts in twin flame journey mostly happens due to mirroring effect. Sometimes you may feel them to be negative, but that are actually your hidden flaws and childhood traumas popping up…!!!

You both mirror each other’s subconscious and shadows.. A shadow that you need to cleanse so that you ascend towards your higher purpose together…!!!

Rest assured that it is possible to have a happy and healthy relationship with your twin flame. However, this is only possible if you can learn to “love yourself”, as your twin flame is “part of you”…

This love must be honest and unconditional..! Otherwise, a part of you will always reject your flame. “Self-love” is the key to balanced twin flame relation…!!!

(Your twin flame is your other half_so when you love yourself, your twin feels loved too..!!! And if you demean yourself, your twin feels rejected… This is actually the beauty of twin flame relationship, where one can be the driver and takeaway both of them wherever they want…!!!!!! )

Connection of Number 1111 with Twin Flames

As twin flames are on combined spiritual journey, you experience synchronicity and number indications from the universe. The symbols, numbers, totems and graphics  flow your way if you are in a twin flame relation.

When your twin flame is manifesting them in your life, you may see the numbers 1111. Also universe throws mirror numbers like 1221, 1001 repeated numbers like 1212 or 2121 or 1010 etc towards you conspicuously. Know the Meaning of These Twin Flame Numbers Here.

These signs will be your indicator that you are on the right path, you’re doing the right things and that everything is and will work out in divine order. Trust these signs, and use them as a guideline when you feel lost.

No matter what your present situation is….Twin flames are meant to be together..!!!




Love & Light

If the Image below Unreasonably and Profoundly Attracts You, There are Fair Chances of You to be on a Twin Flame Journey in Present Birth.

twin flame

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