Reclaim Yourself Back in Tough Times

krishna dharajiya

Have you lost interest in your dreams and passions? Did you experienced too many falls, rejections and setbacks in the past and now you are afraid of pursuing your passion? Why that happened? If this is the case for you, then the universe wants you to get back on your feet and move forward. Reclaim Yourself Back in Tough Times.…!!

Whatever has happened, see it as teachings and lessons for you to become the person you need to be in order to get what you want.

We have five motor senses through which we perceive reality. These perceptions keeps on changing, so choose wisely and rely on the wisdom that resides inside you whenever you have to make an important decision. Grow spiritual wisdom in yourself.

Developing your spiritual practice may require you to step outside of your natural comfort zone. Know that universe will always be there to provide you with the support necessary to continue to develop yourself spiritually.

Be sure that you will experience heightened intuitions as you make keen insights into your spiritual experience and are sure to find indications to inner-wisdom,  intuition and a deep spiritual awakening.

Reclaiming Yourself Back in Tough Times

Follow Your Heart

We generally say about things we do not understand or know,  are coincidences, but in fact, everything is beautifully designed in this universe.

Each incident of your life has different meanings that carry a unique message that can help you along your journey and moving forward.

Follow your heart and be confident in what you can achieve….!!!!

You have made the right life choices and are on the perfect path for the realization of your life’s higher purpose.

Strive for keeping yourself motivated and interested in achieving your goals and dreams.

Positive changes and preferred outcomes are always flowing towards us. As long as you stay in alignment with Divine Source, you are sure to attract the material or spiritual abundance that you need.

Imagine yourself at the end of your journey, how would you feel knowing that you haven’t given up?

Definitely you would be proud of yourself and happy that you had the courage and persistence to go through all good and bad experiences…. Reclaim Yourself Back in Tough Times….!!!

Grow Your Knowledge

Keep improving and developing your skills and thirst for knowledge.

Even if you think you have it all and you are an expert in your field, constantly growing and improving yourself is the key to personal and professional success.

Become a better version of yourself.

Reclaiming Yourself Back in Tough Times

Go out and take the ultimate vocational class about skills and development, improve how to better talk with your customers, develop your sketching or sculpting technique or master new healthy recipes.

Whatever your gifts are, you can always become better and better day after day.

Want to learn something new? Then start today! You are encouraged by the universe to never stop learning and mastering skills.

Build Courage

Are you too anxious of speaking up at a meeting? Are you feeling intimidated when others achieve their goals and celebrate their successes?

Or are you too nervous when it comes to problems in your relationship?

Most of our fears and insecurities come from our past experiences. But still, these should not define us. You should not allow the bad things that have happened to you to stop you from moving forward.

Find the courage you need to face the difficulties and hard times you are experiencing.

Know that you are the only one responsible for your happiness and peace of mind.

Make your pains and rejections your fuel to overcome the bad. Reclaim yourself back in tough times.

You are the person you are today because of the courage you had to move forward and fight for your happiness.

Have the courage to face problems with confidence and braveness.

Reclaiming Yourself Back in Tough Times

Even if it’s about motivation, courage, responsibility or goals we want to achieve, we all have lessons to learn.

Our experiences make us grow and improve our personality.

Persevere and never stop going after what you truly desire.

Universe always provides us with signposts at each corner of the road to travel. It is up to us if we want to accept these signs from the Universe or not.

Isn’t it beautiful to know that you are been supported and guided in life….???

Reclaiming Yourself Back in Tough Times

Encourage yourself to become more self-aware by exploring aspects of yourself with curiosity rather than judgments. Once you see yourself clearly and are self-aware you can develop new life skills and create a more contented and joyful life.

It also deepens the connection you have with yourself mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Ask yourself what you need and what is vital to your well being, and then set out to fulfill those needs.

Ask yourself what gifts you have to share with the world and how best to utilize them.

Be open to signs, synchronicity from universe that will lead to new ways of being and doing and will bring a clearer perspective on things.

By cooperating with yourself, you can master the changes that are coming and manifest the outcomes that you desire most.

Do not cover up your true self by labeling or identifying yourself by or with ‘things’, as they end up defining who you are.

You are more powerful and important than a label or any material. Reclaim Yourself Back in Tough Times.

Remember that you are a powerful being…!!




Love & Light

krishna dharajiya

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