Benefits of Doing Shadow Work: Best Self-Gift

Benefits of doing Shadow Work

The shadow is any aspect of the thing that is not exposed to the light of consciousness. Human shadow is the aspects of person that are not exposed to consciousness of person themselves. There are many benefits of doing shadow work which works effectively in turning your life 360 degree. Shadow work is the process of making unconscious conscious and unacceptable acceptable. It includes any process or practice that makes you aware of unconscious and brings out  integration in unconsciousness.

To read more about what Shadow Work is, checkout article, Shadow Work: Powerful First Step Towards Self- Realization.

This article tells you about 14 benefits of doing shadow work.

Benefits of Doing Shadow Work:

1 – Tool

Shadow work is a tool of becoming aware, stepping out and changing patterns. Getting into a more objective reality, moving into free will and conscious choice thus creating your existence consciously.

2 – Reality Check

Shadow work makes you conscious, aware and perceive things clearly. In fact there is no way to become aware, conscious or to fully awaken without shadow work. Shadow work puts you squarely in the truth in reality.

3 – Empowerment in Relationships

It creates empowerment. It implies what you don’t know and what you suppressed, rejected, denied and disowned. Awareness puts you in the position of choice and freewill instead of determinism.

For example, you may not be actually be aware until you do your shadow work that because of your bad childhood experiences, you have a subconscious belief that love means suffering. As a result you stay away from relationships.

Once you do your shadow work, you dismantle that belief and replace it with something else. Like if we love each other we are deliberately going to take care of each other. Why is this empowering? Because you are not only walking around the painful belief but you have also put yourself into a position where you choose the compatible partners to be with.

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4 – Unveiling Hidden Gold

Most people think shadow contains most of the thing that are painful, powerless and scary. But there is actually plenty in human shadow that are pleasurable and beautiful in general.

Imagine you came with lot of artistic talent. But you incarnated in family that believes only in academics and economic success. As result you disown, push away and suppress in a way that you don’t even know you are an artistic person. In this case, shadow work will make sure you re-own your hidden talents and give yourself a chance..!!

5 – Brings Out Authentic You

Re owning of self, causes you to be authentic and figure out what your personal truth is and what you really want. Among other things, the process of socialization and trauma, that we all inevitably experience causes us to fragment. Our personalities become fake until we become conscious and aware of our-self, our personality is merely the part of ourselves that we identify to stay safe and away of vulnerability in specific situation and circumstances that we are raised in.

By pushing, disowning and suppressing them they become part of our subconscious. They are buried inside us and we don’t even know they exist and visible to people around us. This means that we are not what we think we are…!!

Shadow work chooses you to be who you really are and what you really want to be. It puts you in position to really know yourself and then life becomes more beautiful because now you can actually make choices of be the true you. You can live an authentic life.

There is no way to live a happy life until you know your truths.You have to know what is authentic to you.You have to know what you really want. In order to make choices that aligns you up with self satisfaction, happiness, progress and well being.

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6 – Removes Your Powerlessness

Shadow work gets you unstuck. People are only stuck if they cannot see what is actually happening. To be able to see what is happening, the key component to be able to solve problem is to know what to do about it and shadow work reveals exactly what is happening.

It doesn’t make you powerless, but Shadow work makes you face the powerlessness…!! You have absorbed it and you are not it. If you choose to introduce consciousness to your powerlessness, it is by definition not powerlessness.

7 – Breaks Negative Pattern and Cycle

It ables you to identify and change patterns and cycles that you have been stuck in. People repeat patterns. They repeat them personally and generationally. Think of how incredible it be to not to repeat cycle of abuse or cycle of addiction. What if you could stop repeating negative beliefs from generations to next.

People end up being in negative pattern from generation to generation. Humanity itself repeats the same patterns over again and again. Shadow work breaks that pattern and chain. You can consciously choose what is happening in your life, what you are doing, what you are thinking and what you are saying…!!

8 – Gives Internal Peace

Shadow work causes integration. Integration is what causes peace. On personal level it causes inside peace. Integration on world level causes world peace.

Shadow reverses process of fragmentation which is the cause of so much suffering for people at international level.

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9 – Provides Room to Your Unfulfilled Desires

It brings you closer to your actual desires so that you can actually attain them. So many people know what they want but actually they don’t.

For example, you are raised in super conservative family where marriage was everything and you kept on saying to self that you want marriage than anything for whole life but it is not marriage you want. It is preview from your family.

Shadow work will tell you what you really want and why, bringing closer to your desire. It also expands what is possible. Shadow work is very best in willing what is in the way that you really want. Resolving resistance is the key to get what you want…!!

10 – Unblocks Childhood Traumas

Shadow work makes you aware of so many negative patterns of your adult life. Trauma is state of emotional and mental distress caused by an experience that is not resolved yet.

In our childhood its not our choice but to face the trauma. We shape our lives around this trauma. We also have tendency to forget them to normalize things but we actually don’t understand the impact of them having in our life and all the choices we have made to reach this position in our adult life…!!

If you have reserved your traumas, they continue to repeat and if you didn’t notice already, they tend to magnify more intense overtime…!!! In this way universe is giving us opportunity over and over again to get out of this traumatic pattern to experience healing instead of that trauma. This means it puts you in situation over and over again until you find a way to heal that pattern.

For example, if we were never be able to create resolve the fact that our father left us when we were 4 years old. We simply decided that we will never get attached again in case we lost them. Not only we experience intimacy issues in our adulthood because of this suppression, but we will experience people abandoning us again.

Pattern will become worse because now we will justify that our initial decision of not to attach to people was correct and thus creating a strong chance that they will abandon us thus creating a viscous spiral…..!!! But if this person has capacity to resolve original trauma and to make alterations to original changes that are made to trauma. This person has an actual chance to make secure and committed relationship in their adulthood.

benefit of shadow work

11 – Blesses with 3-Dimensional Thinking

Shadow work causes you to go way below to the surface of the things and also way above. It puts you in touch with underlying fundamental blueprints. Underline distances with self.

This enhances knowledge, depth, capabilities, scope and expanse. You start thinking 3-dimensional. This means you are now capable of seeing things other people can’t and doing things other people don’t know are possible….!!! This makes you much more powerful person in general.

12 – Heightens Your Personal Vibrations

It gives you conscious control of what you create and what you manifest…!! Focus and intentions are powerful, so as the actions we take with that focus and attention..!! Your subconscious mind can focus on several things together that you might not even notice. Your conscious mind is not responsible for your overall personal vibration. Your subconscious mind is…!! And it is your overall personal vibration that is Point of Attraction…!!!

For example, if you sit down to do the affirmation that I am good enough. That thought is competing with several ingrained strong and practiced frequencies that i am too fat no one really wants me and people who thinks themselves good are always the worst kind of people. Your point of attraction is much more complicated than what you focus on and what you do because of this until you do shadow work you have very little control over what is happening in your life experience.

In fact things in your life feels just continue to happen to you. Shadow work is becoming conscious of your subconscious and to know what is there in your inner universe. This consciously allow you to move and change the point of attraction. The more conscious you are, the more consciously you are choosing the way you think saying or choosing and doing things.

This means shadow work makes you feel that you have control over your life because it gives you control of your life and it allows you to know why things are happening in your life that way. Shadow works resolves blockages and resistance. Your creative potentials comes flooding through…..!! You become much more creative person.

benefits of shadow work

13 – Removes Hidden Resentment in Relationships

Shadow work helps you to be successful, happy, compatible in relationships. When you describe life, there is a major role of relationships in that. You have relationship with every element of your life like with career, food, body, hobby and every person in your life. Therefore your quality of life depends on quality of your all relationships….!!!

For example, if you have terrible relationship with your child, then by doing your shadow work you will encounter that the things you dislike about your child is the very thing in you that you pushed away….!!! When the child was born you stopped living life for self and you start living for that child and you resented. So when that child does something of his best interest, you resent that child….!!!!

Shadow work may change your way of thinking in parent-child relationship. It helps you eradicate self sacrifice thoughts and start doing things that are more important to you. Thus you are not pushing away your self interest and your child when they are doing their best interest. This causes no more resentment between you and your child and stops you criticizing them entirely.

14 – Improves Your Health

Shadow work enhances physical, mental and emotional well being. It makes you healthy on all levels. It is painful and exhausting to not be aware, to keep on pushing, disowning, rejecting, suppressing and denying things away or keep the doors closed when its contents are overflowing.

Suppression causes fatigue and disease. Shadow work clear the suppressed energy and allows more to flow the energy of consciousness. Health on all levels dramatically improves….!!!!

Shadow work gives you sense of stability and strength and makes you feel very much alive.




Love & Light

Shadow work

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