Love as The Divine Compass on Sacred Twin Flame Mission


The Twin Flame Bond is a sacred love connection and you are here for a very special reason. Lift yourself up by the knowing that your journey is a very special one. Not everyone gets to experience the love as “magnetic” and as “magical” as this…! Please know that you are on a right path and the Universe is happy with your progress, your positive efforts and hard work on this sacred and divine mission.


**1** – Twin Flames are Here to Heal Mother Earth Through Power of Love

Our social conditioning shrinks our beliefs for love in general. Our beliefs generate thoughts and our thoughts creates emotions. It’s only through our emotions that we suffer in love.

On the non-physical planes there is no such thing as Separation. What limits us in this 3D world are our perceptions.

In fact, one of the core lessons Twin Flames’ souls are working to learn in this lifetime is to awaken from the *human* perception of separation – To move and see beyond the physical reality.

The Twin Flame journey is all about finding Harmony in Love. Both within and without. So that you can activate the divine portal much needed at present, for healing Mother Earth.

You are here as Mentors to teach “healing power of love”…! 

**2** Love Never Hurts, It ALWAYS Elevates

Almost everybody hold unconscious fears about love. Most have been taught that “love hurts” and had seen pain of broken relationships. This is the stuff that affect people’s subconscious and has made them holding back from love.

Love doesn’t “hurt”. People act on preconceived patterns and hurt each other.

Love in itself can never ever hurt! It is VERY beautiful…!

In energy terms, the collective psychological reality on Earth is simply a set of beliefs, perceptions and rules we’ve all agreed to and accepted into our existence since ages.

The inner beliefs and energy patterns that have been given to you in life while you were bought up, are what create the“reality” you “see” around you.

Clearing these limiting belief systems from your consciousness, shifting out of ancestral negativity and past hurts is key to success.

Once you clear your energy and your karma, Love becomes your natural state and that is what you attract. It’s just a matter of “tuning” in and “clicking” onto the right vibrations emotionally and mentally to access it.

**3** Self Love is the Key

We all embody BOTH the Masculine and Feminine inside of us already. Self love not just unites us with our counterpart – but alchemize the inner parts of ourselves that may have been hurt or alienated. It Balances Masculine/Feminine Within You & Your Twin.

You have the powers to heal yourself as well others….!

In order to reach a balance in twin flame relationship, the female must accept her own masculinity, and the Feminine polarity in her male counterpart and the male must accept his femininity and the Masculine polarity in his female counterpart…!

**4** Transcend higher to bridge divine realms to mother earth

Love and fear are two opposites on the energy spectrum, so know that according to the “Divine Compass” – fear will lead you away from love and unity.

The sacred gift Twin Flames are here to impart to the world is – on a higher level, we are all one, across every physical differences…!

In the depth, the Twin Flame Mission is simply to Love.

When two Twin Flames connects in love, their energy field is a powerful up lifter for everything around them. This shifts up the over all vibrations of Mother Earth collectively.

Choose to “opt out” of the human programming of polarity and separation, and allow the TRUE love and the true bliss from within you to come forth.

When you realign with your soul space, life becomes a joy rather than a struggle.


**5** You are the Representative of Divine

You are here as a “representative of the Divine” – to be a positive presence, co-creating, “Heaven on earth” through healing power of love.

Be fully aware of the responsibilities you have and are here for. Take advantage of your true power.

Take charge of yourself and of your life mission…!

Remember, in order to attract and create something, you have to know first what you want…! Because this is how you match your energy to it, connect to it and bring it closer. This is how you manifest..!

**6** Using Power of Freewill for Sacred Mission

You have free will at all times. You are always affecting the experiences and timelines you attract and align with. And in that capacity, you are always the co-creator of your own experience.

That means, your actions and energetic intent and focus are powerful creative elements on your journey.

Recognize and acknowledge the highest and best parts of yourself and use your talents and traits to bring love, light and healing to your own life and that of others as a part of the sacred mission.




Love & Light

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