Devi Kavach – The Master Armor of Adi Shakti

devi kavach

Devi Kavach (Armor of the Goddess) is one of the most powerful “Energetic Shield” that safeguards it’s devotees.

Significance of Devi Kavach

Durga Kavach or Devi Kavach is one of the important part of Durga Saptashati.

This armor is considered as Beej (seed-root) of Durga Saptashati. In general, Beej Mantra is recited before every other mantra. Therefore, Devi Kavach is recited before Argala Stotra and Keelakam Stotra.

Devi Kavach has the power to shield it’s reciter’s all body parts, despite of any place or circumstances.

A Sacred Gift by Lord Brahma

Devi Kavach was recited by Divine Godfather Lord Brahma to revered Sage Markandeya and is part of Markandeya Purana. In the kavach, Lord Brahma praises Divine Mother Goddess Parvati in nine different forms.

Devi Kavach also invokes name of various Divine Godesses who collectively protects different body parts of her devotees. Every Goddess is ordained with specific Divine Powers and are part of the Army of Devi Adi Shakti.

Lord Brahma promotes Kavach’s Divine Power through his conversation with the holy Sage Markandeya and recommends that each one should recite Devi Kavach regularly, daily, with pure heart, to reap benefits and seek blessings of the Divine Godesses.

devi kavach

Devi Kavach Lyrics in Sanskrit

॥ अथ श्री देव्याः कवचम् ॥

ॐ अस्य श्रीचण्डीकवचस्यब्रह्मा ऋषिः, अनुष्टुप् छन्दः,

चामुण्डा देवता, अङ्गन्यासोक्तमातरो बीजम्,दिग्बन्धदेवतास्तत्त्वम्,

श्रीजगदम्बाप्रीत्यर्थे सप्तशतीपाठाङ्गत्वेनजपे विनियोगः।

ॐ नमश्‍चण्डिकायै॥

मार्कण्डेय उवाच

ॐ यद्‌गुह्यं परमं लोकेसर्वरक्षाकरं नृणाम्।

यन्न कस्यचिदाख्यातंतन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह॥1॥


अस्ति गुह्यतमं विप्र सर्वभूतोपकारकम्।

देव्यास्तु कवचं पुण्यं तच्छृणुष्व महामुने॥2॥


प्रथमं शैलपुत्री च द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी।

तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम् ॥3॥

पञ्चमं स्कन्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनीति च।

सप्तमं कालरात्रीति महागौरीति चाष्टमम्॥4॥

नवमं सिद्धिदात्री च नवदुर्गाः प्रकीर्तिताः।

उक्तान्येतानि नामानि ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना॥5॥

अग्निना दह्यमानस्तु शत्रुमध्ये गतो रणे।

विषमे दुर्गमे चैव भयार्ताः शरणं गताः॥6॥

न तेषां जायते किंचिदशुभं रणसंकटे।

नापदं तस्य पश्यामि शोकदुःखभयं न हि॥7॥

यैस्तु भक्त्या स्मृता नूनं तेषां वृद्धिः प्रजायते।

ये त्वां स्मरन्ति देवेशि रक्षसे तान्न संशयः॥8॥

प्रेतसंस्था तु चामुण्डा वाराही महिषासना।

ऐन्द्री गजसमारुढा वैष्णवी गरुडासना॥9॥

माहेश्‍वरी वृषारुढा कौमारी शिखिवाहना।

लक्ष्मीः पद्मासना देवी पद्महस्ता हरिप्रिया॥10॥

श्‍वेतरुपधरा देवी ईश्‍वरी वृषवाहना।

ब्राह्मी हंससमारुढा सर्वाभरणभूषिता॥11॥

इत्येता मातरः सर्वाः सर्वयोगसमन्विताः।

नानाभरणशोभाढ्या नानारत्नोपशोभिताः॥12॥

दृश्यन्ते रथमारुढा देव्यः क्रोधसमाकुलाः।

शङ्खं चक्रं गदां शक्तिं हलं च मुसलायुधम्॥13॥

खेटकं तोमरं चैव परशुं पाशमेव च।

कुन्तायुधं त्रिशूलं च शार्ङ्गमायुधमुत्तमम्॥14॥

दैत्यानां देहनाशाय भक्तानामभयाय च।

धारयन्त्यायुधानीत्थं देवानां च हिताय वै॥15॥

नमस्तेऽस्तु महारौद्रे महाघोरपराक्रमे।

महाबले महोत्साहे महाभयविनाशिनि॥16॥

त्राहि मां देवि दुष्प्रेक्ष्ये शत्रूणां भयवर्धिनि।

प्राच्यां रक्षतु मामैन्द्री आग्नेय्यामग्निदेवता॥17॥

दक्षिणेऽवतु वाराही नैर्ऋत्यां खड्गधारिणी।

प्रतीच्यां वारुणी रक्षेद् वायव्यां मृगवाहिनी॥18॥

उदीच्यां पातु कौमारी ऐशान्यां शूलधारिणी।

ऊर्ध्वं ब्रह्माणि मे रक्षेदधस्ताद् वैष्णवी तथा॥19॥

एवं दश दिशो रक्षेच्चामुण्डा शववाहना।

जया मे चाग्रतः पातु विजया पातु पृष्ठतः॥20॥

अजिता वामपार्श्वे तु दक्षिणे चापराजिता।

शिखामुद्योतिनि रक्षेदुमा मूर्ध्नि व्यवस्थिता॥21॥

मालाधरी ललाटे च भ्रुवौ रक्षेद् यशस्विनी।

त्रिनेत्रा च भ्रुवोर्मध्ये यमघण्टा च नासिके॥22॥

शङ्खिनी चक्षुषोर्मध्ये श्रोत्रयोर्द्वारवासिनी।

कपोलौ कालिका रक्षेत्कर्णमूले तु शांकरी॥23॥

नासिकायां सुगन्धा च उत्तरोष्ठे च चर्चिका।

अधरे चामृतकला जिह्वायां च सरस्वती॥24॥

दन्तान् रक्षतु कौमारी कण्ठदेशे तु चण्डिका।

घण्टिकां चित्रघण्टा च महामाया च तालुके ॥25॥

कामाक्षी चिबुकं रक्षेद् वाचं मे सर्वमङ्गला।

ग्रीवायां भद्रकाली च पृष्ठवंशे धनुर्धरी॥26॥

नीलग्रीवा बहिःकण्ठे नलिकां नलकूबरी।

स्कन्धयोः खङ्‍गिनी रक्षेद् बाहू मे वज्रधारिणी॥27॥

हस्तयोर्दण्डिनी रक्षेदम्बिका चाङ्गुलीषु च।

नखाञ्छूलेश्‍वरी रक्षेत्कुक्षौ रक्षेत्कुलेश्‍वरी॥28॥

स्तनौ रक्षेन्महादेवी मनः शोकविनाशिनी।

हृदये ललिता देवी उदरे शूलधारिणी॥29॥

नाभौ च कामिनी रक्षेद् गुह्यं गुह्येश्‍वरी तथा।

पूतना कामिका मेढ्रं गुदे महिषवाहिनी ॥30॥

कट्यां भगवती रक्षेज्जानुनी विन्ध्यवासिनी।

जङ्घे महाबला रक्षेत्सर्वकामप्रदायिनी ॥31॥

गुल्फयोर्नारसिंही च पादपृष्ठे तु तैजसी।

पादाङ्गुलीषु श्री रक्षेत्पादाधस्तलवासिनी॥32॥

नखान् दंष्ट्राकराली च केशांश्‍चैवोर्ध्वकेशिनी।

रोमकूपेषु कौबेरी त्वचं वागीश्‍वरी तथा॥33॥

रक्तमज्जावसामांसान्यस्थिमेदांसि पार्वती।

अन्त्राणि कालरात्रिश्‍च पित्तं च मुकुटेश्‍वरी॥34॥

पद्मावती पद्मकोशे कफे चूडामणिस्तथा।

ज्वालामुखी नखज्वालामभेद्या सर्वसंधिषु॥35॥

शुक्रं ब्रह्माणि मे रक्षेच्छायां छत्रेश्‍वरी तथा।

अहंकारं मनो बुद्धिं रक्षेन्मे धर्मधारिणी॥36॥

प्राणापानौ तथा व्यानमुदानं च समानकम्।

वज्रहस्ता च मे रक्षेत्प्राणं कल्याणशोभना॥37॥

रसे रुपे च गन्धे च शब्दे स्पर्शे च योगिनी।

सत्त्वं रजस्तमश्‍चैव रक्षेन्नारायणी सदा॥38॥

आयू रक्षतु वाराही धर्मं रक्षतु वैष्णवी।

यशः कीर्तिं च लक्ष्मीं च धनं विद्यां च चक्रिणी॥39॥

गोत्रमिन्द्राणि मे रक्षेत्पशून्मे रक्ष चण्डिके।

पुत्रान् रक्षेन्महालक्ष्मीर्भार्यां रक्षतु भैरवी॥40॥

पन्थानं सुपथा रक्षेन्मार्गं क्षेमकरी तथा।

राजद्वारे महालक्ष्मीर्विजया सर्वतः स्थिता॥41॥

रक्षाहीनं तु यत्स्थानं वर्जितं कवचेन तु।

तत्सर्वं रक्ष मे देवि जयन्ती पापनाशिनी॥42॥

पदमेकं न गच्छेत्तु यदीच्छेच्छुभमात्मनः।

कवचेनावृतो नित्यं यत्र यत्रैव गच्छति॥43॥

तत्र तत्रार्थलाभश्‍च विजयः सार्वकामिकः।

यं यं चिन्तयते कामं तं तं प्राप्नोति निश्‍चितम्।

परमैश्‍वर्यमतुलं प्राप्स्यते भूतले पुमान्॥44॥

निर्भयो जायते मर्त्यः संग्रामेष्वपराजितः।

त्रैलोक्ये तु भवेत्पूज्यः कवचेनावृतः पुमान्॥45॥

इदं तु देव्याः कवचं देवानामपि दुर्लभम् ।

यः पठेत्प्रयतो नित्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं श्रद्धयान्वितः॥46॥

दैवी कला भवेत्तस्य त्रैलोक्येष्वपराजितः।

जीवेद् वर्षशतं साग्रमपमृत्युविवर्जितः॥47॥

नश्यन्ति व्याधयः सर्वे लूताविस्फोटकादयः।

स्थावरं जङ्गमं चैव कृत्रिमं चापि यद्विषम्॥48॥

अभिचाराणि सर्वाणि मन्त्रयन्त्राणि भूतले।

भूचराः खेचराश्‍चैव जलजाश्‍चोपदेशिकाः॥49॥

सहजा कुलजा माला डाकिनी शाकिनी तथा।

अन्तरिक्षचरा घोरा डाकिन्यश्‍च महाबलाः॥50॥

ग्रहभूतपिशाचाश्‍च यक्षगन्धर्वराक्षसाः।

ब्रह्मराक्षसवेतालाः कूष्माण्डा भैरवादयः ॥51॥

नश्यन्ति दर्शनात्तस्य कवचे हृदि संस्थिते।

मानोन्नतिर्भवेद् राज्ञस्तेजोवृद्धिकरं परम्॥52॥

यशसा वर्धते सोऽपि कीर्तिमण्डितभूतले।

जपेत्सप्तशतीं चण्डीं कृत्वा तु कवचं पुरा॥53॥

यावद्भूमण्डलं धत्ते सशैलवनकाननम्।

तावत्तिष्ठति मेदिन्यां संततिः पुत्रपौत्रिकी॥54॥

देहान्ते परमं स्थानं यत्सुरैरपि दुर्लभम्।

प्राप्नोति पुरुषो नित्यं महामायाप्रसादतः॥55॥

लभते परमं रुपं शिवेन सह मोदते॥ॐ॥56॥

॥ इति देव्याः कवचं सम्पूर्णम् ॥

Meaning & Translation of the Powerful Devi Kavach


॥ अथ श्रीदेव्याः कवचम् ॥

ॐ नमश्चण्डिकायै

॥ मार्कण्डेय उवाच ॥

ॐ यद्गुह्यं परमं लोके सर्वरक्षाकरं नृणाम्‌।
यन्न कस्यचिदाख्यातं तन्मे ब्रूहि पितामह ॥1॥

Sage Markandeya said:
O Lord Brahma (Great Grandfather of all) , if there is any tool in this whole Universe, which is most secretive, which is great, which gives complete protection to all human beings in every way, and has not yet been revealed by anyone to anybody else in this world, please tell me about it

॥ ब्रह्मोवाच ॥

अस्ति गुह्यतमं विप्र सर्वभूतोपकारकम्‌।
देव्यास्तु कवचं पुण्यं तच्छृणुष्व महामुने॥2॥

Lord Bramha uttered:

Oh Great Sage, there is only one such tool, the Devi Kavach (Armour of Goddess), which is most secretive of all secrets of this Universe, highly pure, pious and benevolent to all beings. Oh Great Sage, please listen to it as I utter

प्रथमं शैलपुत्री च द्वितीयं ब्रह्मचारिणी।
तृतीयं चन्द्रघण्टेति कूष्माण्डेति चतुर्थकम्‌॥3॥

The first form of Devi Adi Shakti is “Shailputri” – daughter of the king of Himalayas;

Second is “Brahmacharini” – one who is celibate;

Third is “Chandraghanta” – One who possesses the moon around her neck;

Fourth is “Kooshmanda” – Who bears Universe in her womb

पंचमं स्कन्दमातेति षष्ठं कात्यायनीति च।
सप्तमं कालरात्रीति महागौरीति चाष्टमम्‌॥4॥

Fifth is “Skandmata” – who gave birth to Lord Karttikeya;

Sixth is “Katyaayani” – who incarnated to help the Devas and was born in the hermitage of Sage Katyaayan;

Seventh is “Kaalratri” – who is even the destroyer of Kaal;

Eighth is “Mahagauri” – One who did great penance and has pure white complexion

नवमं सिद्धिदात्री च नवदुर्गाः प्रकीर्तिताः।
उक्तान्येतानि नामानि ब्रह्मणैव महात्मना॥5॥

Ninth is “Siddhidatri” – one who grants Moksha- the Ultimate Salvation.

Those who remember these names of Devi – Goddess of the Gods, with great devotion indeed have prosperity and protect them, undoubtedly. Oh Sage, all these names have been propounded by the omniscient and greatest of sages, Mahatma Ved Vyasa only

अग्निता दह्यमानस्तु शत्रुमध्ये गतो रणे।
विषमे दुर्गमे चैव भयार्ताः शरणं गताः॥6॥

The person who is burning in the fire, is surrounded by enemies in the battlefield, is caught in strongest of the crisis and moreover, who is filled with such fears, if takes shelter of Goddess Durga, never confronts any adversary

न तेषा जायते किंचिदशुभं रणसंकटे।
नापदं तस्य पश्यामि शोकदुःखभयं न हि॥7॥

Even when he is in trouble during war time, no calamity is seen on him. He doesn’t even feel the grief, sorrow and fear.

यैस्तु भक्त्या स्मृता नूनं तेषां वृद्धि प्रजायते।
ये त्वां स्मरन्ति देवेशि रक्षसे तान्न संशयः॥8॥

Those who have remembered the Goddess with devotion, they surely emerge and elevate. Oh Goddess of all Devas, you undoubtedly protect those who think of you

प्रेतसंस्था तु चामुण्डा वाराही महिषासना।
ऐन्द्री गजसमानरूढा वैष्णवी गरुडासना॥9॥

The Goddess Chamunda takes her seat on a corpse, Varahi rides on a buffalo, Aindri has elephant named Airavat as her vehicle, and Vaishnavi is mounted on a Garuda

माहेश्वरी वृषारूढा कौमारी शिखिवाहना।
लक्ष्मीः पद्मासना देवी पद्महस्ता हरिप्रिया॥10॥

Maheswari is riding on a bull. The vehicle of Kaumari is the peacock. Goddess Lakshmi, the beloved of Lord Vishnu, is seated on lotus flower and holds lotus in her hands as well

श्वेतरूपधरा देवी ईश्वरी वृषवाहना।
ब्राह्मी हंससमारूढा सर्वाभरणभूषिता॥11॥

The Goddess Ishwari, who has white complexion, is riding on a Taurus. Brahmi Devi is seated on a swan and is adorned with all kinds of ornaments

इत्येता मातरः सर्वाः सर्वयोगसमन्विताः।
नानाभरणशोभाढ्या नानारत्नोपशोभिताः॥12॥

In this way all these mothers are endowed with all kinds of yogic powers. Apart from these, there are many other goddesses, who are adorned with many types of ornaments and are adorned with various types of gems and jewels

दृश्यन्ते रथमारूढा देव्यः क्रोधसमाकुलाः।
शंख चक्रं गदां शक्तिं हलं च मुसलायुधम्‌॥13॥
खेटकं तोमरं चैव परशुं पाशमेव च।
कुन्तायुधं त्रिशूलं च शांर्गमायुधमुत्तमम्‌॥14॥

All these goddesses are full of fierceness and anger and are seen sitting on a chariot to protect the devotees. They hold extremely powerful weapons like conch, discus, mace, plough, club, javelin, axe, noose, barbed dart, trident, spears, strong bow and arrows made of horns in their hands

दैत्यानां देहनाशाय भक्तानामभयाय च।
धारयन्त्यायुधानीत्थं देवानां च हिताय वस॥15॥

 To destroy the bodies of demons, to give protection to the devotees and to the deities – for their welfare, are the mere purposes for which these Goddesses hold their weapons

नमस्तेऽस्तु महारौद्रे महाघोरपराक्रमे।
महावले महोत्साहे महाभयविनाशिनि॥16॥

Goddess of greatest dreadful form, extremely great valor, great strength and great enthusiasm, you are the destroyer of great fear, salutations to you

त्राहि मां देवि दुष्प्रेक्ष्ये शत्रूणां भयवर्धिन।
प्राच्यां रक्षतु मामैन्द्री आग्नेय्यामग्निदेवता॥17॥
दक्षिणेऽवतु वाराहीनैर्ऋत्यां खड्गधारिणी।
प्रतीच्यां वारुणी रक्षेद् वायव्यां मृगवाहिनी॥18॥

Oh Goddess, it is tough to even have a glance at you. Jagadambika, you increase the fears of enemies, please protect me and come to my rescue. May Goddess Aindri (Consort of Indra) protect me from the east, Goddess of Fire (consort of Agni Deva) from the south-east, Varahi (Consort of Lord Varaha in the form of the boar) from the south, Khadgadharini (holder of the sword) from the south-west, Varuni (The consort of Varuna, the rain God) from the west and Mrigavahini, (whose vehicle is the deer) may protect me from the north-west

उदीच्यां पातु कौमारी ऐशान्यां शूलधारिणी।
ऊर्ध्वं ब्रह्माणि मे रक्षेद्धस्ताद् वैष्णवी तथा ॥19॥

Goddess Kaumari (the consort of Lord Karttikeya) protect me from the north and Goddess Shooladharini from the north-east, Brahmani, (the consort of Brahma) from above and Vaishnavi (the consort of Lord Vishnu) from below, protect me

एवं दश दिशो रक्षेच्चामुण्डा शववाहना।
जया में चाग्रतः पातु विजया पातु पृष्ठतः॥20॥

One who had taken corpse as her vehicle, Oh Goddess Chamunda, protect me from all the ten directions. May Goddess Jaya protect me from the front and Goddess Vijaya from the rear

अजिता वामपार्श्वे तु दक्षिणे चापराजिता।
शिखामुद्योतिनी रक्षेदुमा मूर्ध्नि व्यवस्थिता॥21॥

Goddess Ajita from the left and Goddess Aparajita from the right, please protect me. Goddess Dyotini please protect my head ­knot and Goddess Uma please be seated on my head and protect it

मालाधारी ललाटे च भ्रुवौ रक्षेद् यशस्विनी।
त्रिनेत्रा च भ्रुवोर्मध्ये यमघण्टा च नासिके॥22॥

May I be protected by Godesses Maladhari on the forehead, Yashswini on the eye-brows, Trinetra between the eye-brows and Yamaghanta on the nostrils

शंखिनी चक्षुषोर्मध्ये श्रोत्रयोर्द्वारवासिनी।
कपोलौ कालिका रक्षेत्कर्णमूले च शांकरी॥23॥

May I be protected by Godesses Shankini between both the eyes, Dwaravasini on the ears, Kalika on my cheeks and Shankari in roots of the ears

नासिकायां सुगन्दा च उत्तरोष्ठे च चर्चिका।
अधरे चामृतकला जिह्वायां च सरस्वती॥24॥

May I be protected by Godesses Sugandha on nose, Charchika on upper lip, Amrtakala on lower lip, Saraswati on tongue

दन्तान्‌ रक्षतु कौमारी कण्ठदेशे तु चण्डिका।
घण्टिकां चित्रघण्टा च महामाया च तालुके॥25॥

May I be protected by Godesses Kaumari on teeth, Chandika­ on throat, Chitra-ghanta on trachea, Mahamaya on crown of the head

कामाक्षी चिबुकं रक्षेद् वाचं मे सर्वमंगला।
ग्रीवायां भद्रकाली च पृष्ठवंशे धनुर्धरी॥26॥

May I be protected by Godesses Kamakshi on chin, Sarvamangala on speech, Bhadrakali on neck, Dhanurdhari on spinal cord

नीलग्रीवा बहिःकण्ठे नलिकां नलकूबरी।
स्कन्धयोः खड्गिनी रक्षेद् बाहू में व्रजधारिणी॥27॥

May I be protected by Godesses Neelagreeva protect the outer part of my throat, Nalakoobari on windpipe, Khadgini on both of my shoulders and Vajra-dharini on both of my arms

हस्तयोर्दण्डिनी रक्षेदम्बिका चांगुलीषु च।
नखांछूलेश्वरी रक्षेत्कुक्षौ रक्षेत्कुलेश्वरी॥28॥।

May I be protected by Godesses Dandini on both of my hands, Ambika on fingers, Shooleshwari on my nails and Kuleshwari on my belly

स्तनौ रक्षेन्महादेवी मनः शोकविनाशिनी।
हृदये ललिता देवी उदरे शूलधारिणी॥29॥

May I be protected by Godesses Mahadevi on both of my breast, Shokvinashini on my mind, Lalitadevi on heart and Shooladharini on abdomen

नाभौ च कामिनी रक्षेद् गुह्यं गुह्येश्वरी तथा।
पूतना कामिका मेढ्रं गुदे महिषवाहिनी॥30॥

May I be protected by Godesses Kamini on navel, Guhyeshwari on hidden parts, Pootana Kamika on reproductive organs, Mahishavasini on excretory organs

कट्यां भगवती रक्षेज्जानुनी विन्ध्यवासिनी।
जंघे महाबला रक्षेत्सर्वकामप्रदायिनी॥31॥

May I be protected by Godesses Bhagavati on my waist, Vindhyavasini on my knees and Mahabala (the all-wish-fulfiller) on both of my calves

गुल्फयोर्नारसिंही च पादपृष्ठे तु तैजसी।
पादांगुलीषु श्री रक्षेत्पादाधस्तलवासिनी॥32॥

May I be protected by Godesses Narashimi on both of my ankles, Taijasi on front part of both of my feet, Shridevi on toes/fingers of both of my feet and Talavasini on the soles of my feet

नखान्‌ दंष्ट्राकराली च केशांश्चैवोर्ध्वकेशिनी।
रोमकूपेषु कौबेरी त्वचं वागीश्वरी तथा॥33॥

May I be protected by Godesses Danshtrakarali (who looks horrific because of her jaws) on my nails, Urdhvakeshini on hair, Kauberi on pores of hair follicles and Vagishwari on skin

रक्तमज्जावसामांसान्यस्थिमेदांसि पार्वती।
अन्त्राणि कालरात्रिश्च पित्तं च मुकुटेश्वरी॥34॥

May I be protected by Godesses Parvati on blood, marrow of the bones, fat, flesh and bone; Kalaratri on intestines, Mukuteshwari on bile, liver and intestines

पद्मावती पद्मकोशे कफे चूडामणिस्तथा।
ज्वालामुखी नखज्वालामभेद्या सर्वसंधिषु॥35॥

May I be protected by Godesses Padmavati on the muladhara and other chakras, Choodamani on phlegm (or lungs), Jwalamukhi on lustre of the nails and Abhedya (one who cannot be penetrated by any weapon) on all the joints of my body

शुक्रं ब्रह्माणि मे रक्षेच्छायां छत्रेश्वरी तथा।
अहंकारं मनो बुद्धिं रक्षेन्मे धर्मधारिणी॥36॥

May I be protected by Godesses Brahmani on semen, Chhatreshwari on the shadow of my body, Dharmadharini-ego, mind and intellect

प्राणापानौ तथा व्यानमुदानं च समानकम्‌।
वज्रहस्ता च मे रक्षेत्प्राणं कल्याणशोभना॥37॥

May the goddess Vajrahasta, who holds a thunderbolt in her hand, protect my prana, apana, vyana, udana and samana air (five vital breaths). May Bhagwati Kalyan Shobhana, who is adorned with blessing hand, protect my life

रसे रूपे च गन्धे च शब्दे स्पर्शे च योगिनी।
सत्त्वं रजस्तमश्चैव रक्षेन्नारायणी सदा॥38॥

While experiencing the sensory faculties of taste, sight, smell, hear and touch, may the Yogini Devi protect me and may my Sattvaguna, Rajoguna and Tamoguna be always be protected by Narayani Devi

आयू रक्षतु वाराही धर्मं रक्षतु वैष्णवी।
यशः कीर्तिं च लक्ष्मीं च धनं विद्यां च चक्रिणी॥39॥

May I be protected by the Godesses Varahi on my lifespan, Vaishnavi on dharma, Chakrini on glory, fame, wealth, prosperity and knowledge

गोत्रमिन्द्राणि मे रक्षेत्पशून्मे रक्ष चण्डिके।
पुत्रान्‌ रक्षेन्महालक्ष्मीर्भार्यां रक्षतु भैरवी॥40॥

May the Godesses Indrani protect my clan, Chandike protect my cattle. May Mahalakshmi protect my children and may Bhairavi protect my spouse

पन्थानं सुपथा रक्षेन्मार्गं क्षेमकरी तथा।
राजद्वारे महालक्ष्मीर्विजया सर्वतः स्थिता॥41॥

May the Goddesses Supatha protect my journey and Kshemakari protect my path. May Mahalakshmi protect me in the king’s court and May the goddess Vijaya, who pervades everywhere, protect me from all fears

रक्षाहीनं तु यत्स्थानं वर्जितं कवचेन तु।
तत्सर्वं रक्ष मे देवि जयन्ती पापनाशिनी॥42॥

Oh Goddess Jayanti, any place that has not been mentioned in the Kavach and has thus remained unprotected, may all of them be protected by you, because you are giver of victory and destroyer of sin

पदमेकं न गच्छेतु यदीच्छेच्छुभमात्मनः।
कवचेनावृतो नित्यं यत्र यत्रैव गच्छति॥43॥

If one desires the wellness of his body, then he should not take even a single step without covering himself by reading this Kavacha, wherever one goes. Travel only after reciting Kavach

तत्र तत्रार्थलाभश्च विजयः सार्वकामिकः।
यं यं चिन्तयते कामं तं तं प्राप्नोति निश्चितम्‌।
परमैश्वर्यमतुलं प्राप्स्यते भूतले पुमान्‌॥44॥

Wherever a man goes, he is protected from all sides by the kavach. Moreover, he gains wealth and victory, and whatever desire he contemplates is achieved by him for sure. That man becomes the partaker of great opulence on this earth without comparison

निर्भयो जायते मर्त्यः संग्रामेष्वपराजितः।
त्रैलोक्ये तु भवेत्पूज्यः कवचेनावृतः पुमान्‌॥45॥

The person who covers himself with Kavacha becomes fearless. He is never defeated in the battle and becomes revered, worthy of being worshipped in all the three worlds

इदं तु देव्याः कवचं देवानामपि दुर्लभम्‌।
यः पठेत्प्रयतो नित्यं त्रिसन्ध्यं श्रद्धयान्वितः॥46॥
दैवी कला भवेत्तस्य त्रैलोक्येष्वपराजितः।
जीवेद् वर्षशतं साग्रमपमृत्युविवर्जितः॥47॥

One who recites the Kavacha – Armor of the Goddess, which is inaccessible even to the Gods, with faith and reverence, every day thrice (morning, afternoon and evening), receives the Divine blessings, becomes undefeated in the three worlds, lives for hundred years and is free from untimely death

नश्यन्ति व्याधयः सर्वे लूताविस्फोटकादयः।
स्थावरं जंगमं चैव कृत्रिमं चापि यद्विषम्‌॥48॥

All his bodily diseases like cancer, smallpox, leprosy and others are destroyed. Moveable (scorpions and snakes) and artificial (other) poisons cannot affect him

अभिचाराणि सर्वाणि मन्त्रयन्त्राणि भूतले।
भूचराः खेचराश्चैव जलजाश्चोपदेशिकाः॥49॥
सहजा कुलजा माला डाकिनी शाकिनी तथा।
अन्तरिक्षचरा घोरा डाकिन्यश्च महाबलाः॥50॥
ग्रहभूतपिशाचाश्च यक्षगन्धर्वराक्षसाः।
ब्रह्मराक्षसवेतालाः कूष्माण्डा भैरवादयः॥51॥

All the ceremonial experiments who cast magical spells by mantras or yantras, on others for evil purposes, that are done on this earth like Maran-Mohan etc; all Dakini, Shakini, extremely powerful and fearful maidens, planets, ghosts, vampires, Yakshas, ​​Gandharvas, Rakshasas, Brahmarakshas, ​​Betal, Kushmand and Bhairav ​​etc; roaming on the earth, special heavenly gods, ganas appearing in relation to water, low-ranking deities who are won by mere sermons, deities who appear with the birth, family deities are destroyed just by the sight of the person having Kavach in his heart

नश्यन्ति दर्शनात्तस्य कवचे हृदि संस्थिते।
मानोन्नतिर्भवेद् राज्ञस्तेजोवृद्धिकरं परम्‌॥52॥

Even the evil deities run away from the person who wears kavach in their heart. A man wearing armor gets an increase in respect from the king. This armor enhances the brilliance of man and makes him perfect over all

यशसा वर्धते सोऽपि कीर्तिमण्डितभूतले।
जपेत्सप्तशतीं चण्डीं कृत्वा तु कवचं पुरा॥53॥

The one who recites the Kavach is blessed with glory, and increased respect, power on this earth. One rises in prosperity and fame by reciting the Kavacha and Saptashati

यावद्भूमण्डलं धत्ते सशैलवनकाननम्‌।
तावत्तिष्ठति मेदिन्यां संततिः पुत्रपौत्रिकी॥54॥

The one who first recites Kavach and then recites Chandi Saptashati, will have his progeny to continue as long as the earth is rich with mountains and forests

देहान्ते परमं स्थानं यत्सुरैरपि दुर्लभम्‌।
प्राप्नोति पुरुषो नित्यं महामायाप्रसादतः॥55॥
लभते परमं रूपं शिवेन सह मोदते॥ॐ॥56॥

At the end of his physical body lifespan, by the Grace of Mahamaya that person attains the eternal supreme abode, the highest place that is inaccessible even to the Gods. He assumes a beautiful divine form and shares eternal bliss with Kalyan Shiva

॥ इति देव्याः कवचं संपूर्णम्‌ ॥

Thus Devi Kavach ends



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