Are You In Comfort Zone? TRUST ME – I Have Plans For You

comfort zone is a drug

Comfort is a zone is where dreams go and die..! Once you get used to it, it becomes compelling. Give a weak person consistent stimulation, good food, cheap environment and they’ll throw their ambitions right out of the window…! Comfort zone is addictive…!

Temptations of Comfort Zone

Of course, most of us are averse to change. We love our comfort zones. We are mostly scared of the discomfort and pain that comes with change. However, change is a necessary aspect of your growth.

Don’t be content to do the ordinary. It’s okay to do something spontaneous. Once in a while, do something on the spur of the moment. Don’t plan it – just act.

Don’t Lie to Yourself

Don’t you want a life of peace, joy, and honesty? If you want an enlightened and exuberant life, you will not obtain it through lies and deceit. Maybe this behavior is tempting because you can achieve your goals sooner, but this attitude is not a long term success recipe. And keep in mind, there will be consequences.

What you put out in the Universe, eventually in a form or another will come back to you, with no exceptions. Unleash yourself from bad habits and adopt those that make you lead an honest and transparent life. Once you will let go of negative energies, good and positive energies will start flowing into your life.

Changes are Good – Welcome Them

If you desire for anything significant to happen in your life, be ready to embrace change. Be ready to move with the flow of life. This gives you the opportunity to make your life better. It will enable you to project the best version of yourself to the world.

Change forces you to think outside the box. The experiences you’ll go through will help you understand your full strength. They’ll force you to draw from resources you never thought you had.

They may astonish you. But, they should never overcome you. They may shake you up and bring up your raw emotions. But, they will leave you stronger, wiser and more determined. As such, you need to look at change as an avenue for growth, wealth, and prosperity.

infuse some adventure

Infuse Some Adventure

Life’s too short. Go ahead and add some fun into your existence. Make your life an interesting adventure. Go ahead and enjoy every aspect of your existence. Granted, you will encounter some challenges along the way. Use such challenges as learning points. They should give you the momentum and motivation to make it in life.

Infuse some adventure so that your life can grow to the next time. So, try what you have not done before. In other words, do something that adds to your level of excitement. This will strengthen the bonds you already enjoy.

Though adventures are not always as friendly as you may want them to be. But after doing them, you will receive a renewed sense of passion and inspiration.

Adventures reveal your true selves. They make you able to handle challenges more effectively. This means that you will enjoy more peace and security.

Adventure make you highly adaptable to the various situations you’ll encounter in life. In this way, you’ll be able to thrive in all kinds of environments. Don’t be scared of this.

Keep Exploring

This is the key to achieving your goals. Strive to achieve all that you’ve always desired. Don’t let anything hold you back. Your plans will come to fruition.

Life is dynamic. As such, don’t allow yourself to be stuck in a rut. Keep moving. This is the time for you to expand.

Keep exploring. Keep discovering. There’s a whole world of possibilities out there.

Let Go Off Clutter

When you are making life plans, learn to quiet yourself. Go within and listen to your gut feelings as your intuition always leads you in the right direction. Only you know your true desires, so make plans and take action in the direction your instincts lead you.

Find balance and harmony while striving to establish solid foundations for your life. Work out your priorities and put them at the top of your list. Sort out the important from the irrelevant. Let go off clutter, distractions, excuses and simplify your life. Clear the path in front of you so that you can clearly see where you are heading.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone

Don’t fall in rut of false comforts. Don’t allow the experiences coming your way overwhelm you. Be bold and have the courage to step out of your comfort zone and step into your own power.

Do what resonates with achieving your goals and aspirations. Have faith and trust that you will attract all that you require into your everyday life in order to sustain and maintain you. Your positive intentions, patience and hard work always reap just rewards and blessings into your life. Trust me, Life is much more beautiful if lived leaving comfort zone behind…!





Love & Light

(Topic Credits – Rikin Bhagat)

comfort zone is a drug

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