Death is one of the BEST thing that happens to Us All. You must live your full life with full potential and vibrancy so that you can actually “die” when its time…!!!

Welcome to Jñāna Chakshu

99% of what we see or hear through our normal senses are not exactly the way they seem…! So There’s no point in wasting your life getting stuck in veils of illusion. You need to trust your intuitions and go behind your logical reasoning to know the truths of Universe and Mother Nature.

Enhance your perceptions. Live a sensible life! This will change the way you look at things. Surrender with acceptance and you’ll see magical events taking turn around into your existence. As you start seeing things from higher perspectives, your thoughts, beliefs and optimism starts manifesting great success, happiness & fulfillment in your life.

Be true to yourself, stay balanced and keep your goals and priorities a focus and strive towards them as when you live your truths and stand in your own personal power, Miracles Happen….!

Reform Your World


An Eye Of Wisdom

krishna dharajiya