Victim Consciousness- Liberate it for Empowerment

victim consciousness to empowerment

Do you feel sometimes few people around you say or act as if every bad in this world is only happening to them ? Or as if all are targeting them every time? Then maybe they could be suffering from Victim consciousness. Everything in this world of ours is made of love. And every problems around us has risen due to some hidden or unrevealed fear.

A Victim : Meaning

According to CAMBRIDGE DICTIONARY, Victim is someone or something that has been hurt, damaged or killed or has suffered, either because of the actions of someone or something else, or because of illness or chance. Everyone of us have had been victim at some point in our life either physically, mentally or emotionally.

victim consciousness

Your Thoughts Affect Victim Mindset

Every thought has corresponding feelings…! Every thought produce a feeling….! What you think and what you feel is important. Sometimes you say that you don’t even feel…!! or You do not feel what you say…!! They are just your words. If someone says word health, you feel good on hearing that word if you are healthy. Your thoughts and feelings are your life. You should be first aware of yourself what is going inside you. What you feel is what you get… what you felt is what happened in your reality….!! Its all a game of Vibrations and Frequency..!!!

We currently operate from a state of fear which is built around the illusions in our mind. As a result we tend to use defense mechanisms against every such fearful situation to safe-cover ourselves to get back to the state of love. We continue acting victim until something kicks us off that path. And thereafter our evolution towards empowerment starts. When we release victim consciousness, we start moving freely to our conscious wonderful existence in everyday life. We move into a place of freedom, dreams, wisdom and creativity.

What is Victim Consciousness ?

Victim consciousness is a belief that you have been victimized by a person or experience. If you believe yourself to be a victim, your mind vibrate at the frequency of victim. Do you blame, complaint, make excuses and feel sorry for yourself ? That could mean you have victim consciousness. May be you don’t realize this fact…!!

When a person lives in victim consciousness, they feel everything that is happening to them is bad….!!! Even if something better has happened they don’t realize it consciously…!!! They live in a very reactive state of mind in which they act in habitual response (as habitual as breathing) to a situation rather than choosing consciously how to respond. And as a result of their response, they tend to move into another circumstance which they don’t prefer to go or do not like to go and make them fall into loop of mental misery again….!!!

Symptoms of Victim Consciousness

The pain of victim is hidden in your subconscious. When you feel you are victim, you blame yourself and others. You feel as if you are ignored or hurt or targeted or avoided. Your voices are unheard, your acts are unseen or our views are overlooked. You tend to react immediately to everything that is happening to you. If you label yourself as victim, then you always attract victimless situations as you have licensed yourself to be victim.

You always come up with defense even in normal situation. Your perception about self and others is tinted and distorted with biases and prejudices. You cannot enjoy anything in your life. When you feel you are victim, you feel sorry about yourself and are filled with anger and rage for others. If you are in victim consciousness you cannot stand someone being happy. When some one is happy, you feel jealous in subtle way that you cannot even recognize.

Feeling of helplessness and avoiding taking self responsibility to improve things or situations. Making excuses, reacting to every situations as if its not your fault. Running away from taking responsibilities of self and others. Not seeking possible solutions. They love dwelling in misery and avoid taking efforts to solve situations even if it is in their control. Your expression ability is destroyed. You can neither perceive or express fairly, which drops your mental health. If you want to be healthy, you have to come out of victim consciousness. Most of us keep coming in and out of this victim mentality. Our level of happiness and sadness is affected by others behaviors towards us. It leads to under confidence. Below are the most common ones:

  • Lack of interest in improving things and situations.
  • Feeling of powerlessness.
  • Lack of self confidence.
  • Negative self talks and unconsciously camouflaging yourself in dramatic situation.
  • Subconsciously denying attempt of solving by sabotaging your dishonest efforts.
  • Pessimistic about every situations and hurdles. All time frustrated and angry. You resent others happiness and success.

How Victim Mindset Develops?

  • Facing repeated negative experiences or past abuse or extortion or trauma. Not all become victim conscious of past trauma but the level of emotional pain and lack of support received at that time, tends to make some give up.
  • They fall into trap of subconscious helplessness and start expecting others can only take them out of it and not themselves, which subconsciously becomes a part of their habitual behavior.
  • Some elders or parents having victim consciousness behavior or tendency gets transferred into their children, who sees their elders as ideals…!!!
  • Betrayal-trust issues in past can create victim consciousness especially betrayal from close persons like parents and caregivers or lovers. Also repeated incidents of betrayal.
  • By feeling good in blaming others and making them feel guilty as a part of attention seeking mentality.
  • For sympathy gaining due to lack of care and affection in childhood.

Get Rid of Victim Consciousness

Use karma philosophy to come out of it. As per rule of karma, what you sow is what you reap. Believe strongly that what others did to you is going to happen to them too and move ahead of the situation. Help yourself and boost yourself up…!!! Start consciously differentiating between real and illusions. Self Acknowledge if something is not real and is your mind’s game or perception. When you do this you will find that you are always free to choose different way of perceiving things.

Ask yourself does this characterize me? Start to become conscious about your state and feelings. Refuel them. Say this is not me. Then think what thought do I want to file and why in my brain…!!! Start wiring a feeling of “I am not victim”. By repetition, you are going to think and act in the way you want. Don’t give up until you feel that way. After some days you will feel that day you cannot stay in your previous victim state anymore as you have now tasted the essence of freedom.

Be self confident. Practice gratitude and kindness towards self and others. Develop a habit of apologizing as well as thanks-giving. Be grateful at the end of the day and give thanks to Universe for your life. Eliminate blame, complaints, making excuses and feeling sorry for yourself. You are the powerful creator of all your experiences. You can move out of the victim consciousness by elating your personal vibrations.

After releasing victim consciousness, you can gain creativity, freedom, and satisfaction….!!! You start being more lively and contented with each and every moment of your life…!!

By liberating victim consciousness, you strengthen relationship with self, family members and others. You now can cultivate deep-fulfilling connection…!! No longer you play from a place of defense in life and don’t project blame on the past…!! You get open to the Universe of Love in every moment…!!!




Love & Light

Doing shadow work also helps in releasing victim consciousness.

victim consciousness

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