Key to Ultimate Liberation – Balancing Feminine & Masculine Within

ultimate liberation

In the new vibrational shift on earth, it would be compulsory for us to open up to an existence where each person have to be purely themselves as “whole”. The truth is that we all carry both masculine and feminine energy in our beings. We are no different. It’s only because of the gender based social pattern that we distract from soul’s oneness. Universe always push us to reach an inner harmony between our Masculine and Feminine sides. Through higher self ascension, every human being can balance out any inequality that’s been created in us on levels conscious/subconscious. This leads to phenomenon called “Advaita” – the non-duality and ultimate liberation.

The Conventional Concept of Women Vs Men

Since ancient times, we have been living tangled up with karmic content regarding biological male vs biological female. There are traditional beliefs about what it is supposed to be like being a “male” and a “female”.

Unfortunately, the conventional belief system is activating collective karmic wounds from history. These illusions of physical world multiplies separation based mentality and dissonance.

However, the cosmic laws always pushes us for inner balance and harmony by means of our life circumstances.

When we open up enough to the spiritual side of our-self, these conflicting patterns breaks down into non-duality, allowing the unconditional love and purity to sparkle the unity consciousness.

ultimate liberation

Every Human Body Possess Masculine/Feminine Polarities

From spiritual perspective, gender separation is an ILLUSION.

In reality,  it’s the “collective human karmic content” that we absorb into our system through the human fields, that are “creating” and mirroring into betrayal, cheating, conflict, running and other hurtful experiences within and without.

Don’t forget that at soul level, we are neither female nor male; we are both.

Masculine and Feminine exist within us all and we must accept and embrace both energies within to be fully“whole”. True mastery and power lies in unifying these forces within.

Do You have Fear for the Opposite Sex?

The female collective hold subconscious fears towards male beings since ages. They grow up around a lot of messages about having to protect ourselves and that men are “dangerous” or untrustworthy on some essential level.

This makes her shut down and neglecting her own inner masculine side. Ultimately it leads to duality, separation mentality and incomplete surrender to self. The same holds true for the masculine collective as well.

Significant question to consider here is, what do you believe about the opposite sex? Is there any negativity and fear?

Ultimate Liberation Demands You to Accept Your Own Inner Polarity

As per psychoanalysis, we all carry an inner “memory” of our other self – our opposite polarity consciousness. This is called the Animus and Anima, the inner female guiding consciousness for a man, and the inner male guiding consciousness for a woman.

Just like yin/yang, in order to achieve balance within and overcome gender based fears, the female MUST accept her own masculine side, and the Feminine polarity in her male counterpart and the male MUST accept his own feminine side and the Masculine polarity in his female counterpart…..!

This might sound complicated in words, but in essence it’s about accepting, healing and unifying all parts of ourselves. This is a self-elating process.

It’s Just the Matter of Pre-Conceived Conditioning

There is no such thing as dual existence. Every human is into journey to reach the point of unity and love, in and out – and to eradicate fears that create judgment and distance.

In fact it is one of the core lessons we as souls are working to learn in this lifetime. To awaken from the “human perception” of separation. It’s must for ultimate liberation.

Use the energy clearing tools. You can move out of resonance with the old conflict/separation pattern and clear out every blockages on path towards ultimate liberation through them.

Explore your inner self consciously to clear any negativity around the system of the conflicting human modality regarding masculine and feminine. This shall lift your whole journey making your inner self to harmonize.

Burden for the Masculine Collective

Most men deny their emotions and live with the burden of repressed inner feelings. Many live with the state of mind that they have no one towards whom they can turn to and open up..

Even in adult relationships, men feel pushed to not show weak side of self, as they fear that their lover will withdraw if they show “weakness” – in form of crying/weeping. Because the conditioning they are given by society since childhood is, that they are only loved when they are strong.

Not being able to be open about their innermost feelings and fears, is a heavy burden for males to bear.

Feeling like no one ever knows the real “you”. As a result of these repressed emotions, energy blockages and stagnant psychological wounds are generated at level conscious and subconscious.

This is applicable to masculine side of feminine collective as well.

Balance Your Inner Masculine by Permitting Sensitivity & Openness

Have compassion for your masculine side and know that this helps open up the life path and ultimate liberation easily. Remember that with your inner masculine, you are dealing with your “other self”, a vulnerable being who’s dealing complex life experiences, ups and downs, with their own baggage and challenges.

Allow your inner masculine to be vulnerable and emotionally expressive.

This also includes releasing the expectations of stereotypes and opening up to forgiveness. Remove the sense of judgment, to open up to love both within and without.

May be your masculine side is wanting you to let him know that it’s OK to have emotions. That you value and respect it as an existence with sensitivity and strength alike.

ultimate liberation

Balance Your Inner Feminine By Stepping Into Power & Independence

Women are most often raised with the message that we have to rely on others for affection, approval and love. Ask yourself, what would your passions, habits and focus be, if you moved to a new place not knowing anyone? Ask yourself, how your existence would be like if friends and family weren’t around?

Begin exploring your independence and step into your authentic truth – what you love and enjoy deep down. Showing yourself love is powerful.

When you are your authentic self,  Universe ALWAYS present you with opportunities to fully utilize your natural talents and abilities. And when you use your gifts it makes you feel confident, at peace, happy and fulfilled as you are coming from your true, higher self.

You have wonderful skills and talents that are dormant within you or being ignored intentionally for years, as you are in habit of judging yourself with other’s eyes. Let your inner self unfold and share the highest/truest parts of yourself with others in unique and different ways.

You can use energy clearing tools to cut old attachments and clear any unconscious fears around abandonment and being alone.

Re-calibrating the Vigor of Feminine Collective

In recent years and continuing into the future we’ve had strong cosmic transits stimulating the Feminine to let go of any old outdated attachments based in need, protection and responsibility, so that Love can be reshaped.

This process cannot happen when the feminine is still tangled up in fear and control based attachments and group bonds with old structures such as family and dominance.

In the old paradigm, the feminine was dependent on others for protection. In the new realm, she becomes her full self by claiming her own authority, her own approval and her own mastery.

This is equally applicable to feminine sides of masculine collective as well.

Energy Healing

Energy healing and vibrational management is the single most effective method for uplifting your higher self connection with universe. It will help you clear away old congestion and limitations so you can reach up into your full soul potential.

In order to make masculine-feminine inner union possible, cut the old cords so your energy is untainted by outside influence. Clearing limiting belief systems, shifting out of ancestral negativity and past hurts is key to this. You’ll find that less negativity comes up this way too.

Once you clear your energy and your karma, you’re not only theoretically free, but you feel and act and live from a place of freedom.

Because the inner beliefs and energy patterns that have been given to you in life, are what create the“reality” you see around you. Love becomes the natural state, what you attract.

Navigating towards Advaita/Oneness for Ultimate Liberation

Journey of every human is a push and pull between duality and oneness. In Advaita (literally “non-secondness”), usually rendered as “nondualism“, moksha is attained through disidentification from the body-mind complex and the notion of ‘doership’ and acquiring vidyā (knowledge) of one’s true identity as AtmanBrahman, self-luminous (svayam prakāśa) awareness or Witness-consciousness. In this view, jivatman or individual self is a mere reflection or limitation of singular Ātman in a multitude of apparent individual bodies.

Our souls are always pushing for inner harmony in some shape or form to return to balance within that it holds since the existence of dawn. Dealing with inner imbalances triggers the darkness in our beings to rattle and stir to the surface. This is the kind of work that will create PERMANENT shifts for the better in your existence.

Always remember inner wholeness will ALWAYS attract harmonious life on the outside and ultimate liberation both within and without.




Love & Light

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