7 Ways Universe Keeps Pushing You on Your Soul Path


Every pure soul have a mission and divine plan to fulfill. However, as they incarnate in human form, they tend to forget everything due to but obvious effects of the veil of “Maya” or illusion of 3D world. In order to bring them back on track with their mission and to keep reminding them of their soul path, Universe floods messages and confirmation in 7 ways in each stage of their journey. These divine messages appears in such an unexpected manner that you feel as if someone is trying to make you see them forcefully-“To grab your attention”…!

**1** Angel Numbers

Seeing 11.11, 222, 33, 77 and other significant numbers wherever you go? It’s one of the way Universe wants to convey some important message to you. These numbers are either repeating numbers or mirror numbers. They could be even in form of your birth date, anniversary date, or any such significant one.

Angel numbers pop up before you in most unexpected manner and in most unexpected times..! Sudden shift in “direction of your eye” land up into “sight of that number”….!

If you ignore it at instance, it will follow you again and again, until and unless you don’t acknowledge it and try to find out meaning behind that number…! You will find these numbers in such a pattern that it leaves no choice for you, but “to notice them”…! As if they want you to pay attention to them…!

There are no hard set rules for place and time of appearance of these angel numbers. They appear anywhere, anytime. But few common places where you can suddenly notice them are:

  • Clock timing – on mobile, laptop, desktop – like 11:11, 10:10, 12:34, 1212 etc.
  • Date/month combinations – like 11-11, 12-12, 06-06, 03-03 etc.
  • Vehicle license plates – this is where you find angel numbers most of the time.
  • On bill numbers and amounts – you notice angel numbers unexpectedly.
  • Messages/mails/calls – receiving or sending timings, call duration, last seen on call etc.
  • Building/house numbers, signposts on roads, advertisements etc.
  • Birth date on clock timings or vehicle license plate – like your birth date is 16th of November. So you see “1611” (this indicates universe is trying to remind you of something important about self).
  • You see your path number – like your life path number is 4 and your partner’s life path number is 9, then you see combination of these numbers – 49, 94, 4949, 9494 etc.
  • Combination of birth dates of you and your significant person – like your birth date is 19 and your significant’s birth date is 16 so you see “1619” or “1916”.

**2** Synchronicities

Synchronicity links your outer and inner worlds in ways that suggest that there is a hidden force or order in the Universe. Some things are just meant to happen.

They show up to you when you are to take some “important decision or action” in your soul journey. These synchronicities provide guidance of path to follow ahead, with a reassurance.

You’ll FEEL inside, that something excellent in life is approaching. A sense of enthusiasm that the universe is conspiring everything for you. As if all the missing pieces of puzzle that had been lost, are put together, specially for you.

For Example, magically getting green signals on way to reach important destination on time. Showing of “right person” on “right time” to get your things done in life matters you once thought were impossible. You’ll recognize it as a “wow!” moment. As if Universe is “meeting you” and “reaching out to you” to bring you to your soul path.

However, it’s not by coincidence. Always remember everything happens for a reason and nothing happens by chance. There is a hidden underlying reason behind everything that happens.

**3** Triggers

In order to remind us of our soul mission, the universe responses vibrationally. Our system that consists of unwanted 3D conditioning is triggered to such a HIGH extent that it makes you connect with your soul reality and life purpose. It releases everything from your system that may be BLOCKING the way to pursue your soul path.

Your system often begins to purge whatever has kept you out of alignment with your soul path. And this is done through traumatic life events, that makes you release the subconscious fears/pains.

This is why we often go through a “death/rebirth process”. It’s our system working to get us into alignment with receiving. Because we have to have “room” to receive, you’ll notice old aspects of your identity, so-called shadows emerging, and you may experience old relationships and connections falling apart.

If you are going through such, try not to worry because it’s all a part of the process for you to have your “brand new brighter chapter”.

**4** Intuitions

Your intuitions are major guide on soul path. It is the hidden language of Universe to communicate with you and every person has their unique set of intuitive senses.

Your intuitions become more powerful when you are in “flow” with the cosmic laws and have no major blocks in your chakra system.

For example, Feeling Déjà vu is a sign that you are aligning with a particular timeline or shifting into a new state, or “clicking in” to something you planned pre-birth. You feel that you’ve already been in that situation before, that you are RE-experiencing something, is a sign that you are in a SIGNIFICANT moment of your journey.

There is a meaning to every single event in its own unique way. They won’t be carrying “exactly the same” message for every person..! But you’ll know by your intuitions and inner wisdom what these events want to convey to you for any particular situation…!

It’s meaning depends on the progress you have had made in your spiritual path…! Recognize it for what it is, and you invite in more.

**5** Physical Body Sensations

Our physical bodies carry ancient programming. It is smarter than you think it to be. Whenever Universe wants to convey a message or stop you from doing something wrong, your body will start giving you signals. Check how you truly feel about situations or circumstances in your life and use them as a guide to your next steps.

For example, if you get goose bumps while being in search of an answer you asked intuitively to the cosmos, is considered as a strong confirmation.

Whenever your manifestation is close, your body consciousness can sense energy and it can sense when someone or something is close to arriving. Increased heart palpitations or peace in heart are also few of the physical outcomes.

If things feel right, then they are right. But, if things feel uncomfortable to you, change the situation. Doubt = Don’t.


**6** Astral Experiences

Universe most likely shows blocks and messages to guide you to your goals through dreams and other out of the earth experiences.

When you start working on your soul path consciously, you will notice your unconscious mind and your connection with divine guidance become strongly activated.

As your unconscious/subconscious begin to search for solutions and cosmos works to reach you with advice on what steps to take to walk on soul path, your dreams will begin to “speak” to you.

You begin to receive visions, dialogues and statements in your meditations. You may even get dreams of Symbolic animals/totems. Note down your dreams working to reach you. These are important helpful clues that Universe wants you to interpret and understand.

**7** Choices & Intentions

We always have freewill. Our intentions set the choices and our choices decide life circumstances we attract.

Universe always assures/warns through your circumstances that you really truly do want what you’ve been asking for. And to see if you are truly willing. Nothing random is allowed.

Cosmos always gives you a chance to refine your request and/or confirm by making you face mixed life events. This is one of the way Universe pushes you on soul path.

Sometimes we do not know what is better for us from future perspective, but universe does. So when something that you prayed for do not shows up right away, know it’s the universe asking you to specify further or get more clarity on your dream! “This, or something better..?”

Universe Cleanses You Inside Out for Re-Calibration

The Universe is always working to show you “Lessons” to learn to break open your journey to more love, light and understanding. Because you as a soul incarnated here to learn and evolve through your soul path.

Once you begin to understand your Soul’s purpose and the hidden universal truths that are being attempted shown to you, you can begin to shift into a higher self. You can begin to move out of the “regular human timelines” of repeating negative cycles and patterns.

In order to allow your journey to up level into your soul purpose, you have to fix the inner situation first. To reach into a space where you already are a match to the soul path you are supposed to walk on….!




Love & Light


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