Why Regular Relationship Rules Cannot Be Applied on Twin Flames?

Knowingly or unknowingly, Twin Flames connect each other with their subtle bodies, which is one of the significant distinctive point you won’t find in other earthly relationships. They are AT PAR…!

But by blindly adopting the “Nowadays” rules and labels of relationships into twin flame dynamic, it stuck you in an endless rut..! MIND WELL, Twin Flames are different than other humans, so they have to follow different path too..!

Below are the reasons every twin must be aware of, if they wish their Connection to flourish and Mission to accomplish smoothly on earth plane.

You are Old Souls from Higher Dimensions

Twin Flames are Souls from Other Dimensions. So relationship rules of 3D earth plane CANNOT BE APPLIED to them. As they belong to different dimension, they have their own sets of operating procedures.

Twin flames are the incarnations of ascended masters and spirit guides who elevated themselves spiritually. Whether you know or not, you are connected to higher realms with a powerful frequencies.

Your connection with your twin flame is Divine – eternally bonded with sacred strings of love through your Heart Chakra, which is non-breakable. So if you try to push earthly relationship rules on your twin flame connection, it is sure to end up in blunder..!

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Twin Flames Do Not Have Their Own Karmas – They Absorb Frequency of Others

In order to take birth on earth, twin flames enter through channels of a particular ancestral lineage with a contract to clear out their jammed karmic frequencies, along with fulfilling their own missions. So in most of the twin flame cases, your initial life crowds with “Pre-Determined Karmic Situations” where you SUFFER in order to fulfill your promises to the channeled ancestors.

As soon as you are done with those karmic contracts in this life time, you UNITE with your twin flame on Physical, Spiritual, Emotional and Mental level to accomplish your life purpose together.

Moreover, as the twins are high empath too, you need to regularly cleanse the energies you absorb from other people while being on mission and stay out of the trap of “ENERGY GAME”.

You Have a Combined Mission to Fulfill 

For this current lifetime, if you’ve met your twin flame, it means this is a very significant lifetime for you. One of your main aims as souls would have been to reconnect and enter into Union – the “DIVINE DUALITY” with your twin flame – To balance the Feminine and Masculine Energies…!

Once this “Mission” is accomplished, once the Twins unites energetically thereby forming a channel for unconditional love to flood into the earth plane, the twin flames are no longer bound to reincarnate here. You have free-will to incarnate only if you wish to….!

The “Mirror Effect” is Exclusively Applicable to Twin Flames Only

Your Twin Soul is always reflecting in some way the energy that you hold toward yourself. As your twin is the other half of your soul, you share SAME SOUL PATTERN. So when you put your anger and blame onto your twin flame, you are causing yourself into pain along with them too. Because of the close connection you share, it will always come back to you. You will not find this pattern in other relationships….!

Twin flame is a shared energy connection, and because of this, your respective auras have a significant effect on each other. When you express negative energy emotions, you are putting more negative energy into their aura, which compounds with yours. In this way, you could be POISONING your relationship.

It is also entirely dependent on what you should be doing with the power of your connection. You are supposed to be using it in order to bring you closer together so that you can achieve ASCENSION. At the end of the day, you need to understand that the pain you are experiencing is not just yours, but belongs to both of you….!

Your Chakras are Inter-Twined

When you MERGE with your twin, not only your KUNDALINIS activates, but your subtle body changes as well. It means that your states are linked and can affect each other.

As the chakras form the subtle body and are linked together, when you create links between the chakras of your own subtle body with that of your twin flame, you essentially create a single subtle body and, therefore, a single spiritual state. This is the primary way in which you share a spiritual state with our twin flame. Telepathy and the Psychic Connection is also strong between twin flames because of this intrinsic set of links.

You Possess Inbuilt Powers to Create Legacy 

One of the biggest shifts on the spiritual journey comes when you stop trying to figure things out with your minds, and begin to listen to your emotions – the language of the soul…!

Your previous thoughts-feelings-energies-actions have all been a part of creating this now moment – and they will continue to do so as you become a Master at awakening to your life’s purpose. The more conscious you become of this power, the more you can use it to your advantage.

The key is to begin to listen to the heart, which is the center of the VIBRATIONAL OUTPUT of the human body. The heart is always monitoring what energy you come into contact with, and sending you signal.

Stick to The Magical Concept – “Inside Out”

The twin flame dynamic works Inside Out. What feelings you carry “Inside”, is what you shall get reflected from your twin in the world “Outside”. It means you can be the driver of your car and drive your twin flame wherever you want as you share same subtle body.

Begin to “Open to Love” from the INSIDE OUT. The biggest proof to this concept is that you will feel EXPANDED from inside. As a result you’ll be hooked out of the “3D Love Story” and your connection with your Twin will be forever changed to best in the physical too….! You’ll both be open and aligned with the “Powerful Frequency of Love”. TRY THIS OUT..!

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Twin Flames Incarnate To Set Ideals of LOVE

Twin flames are here on earth for reason. You NEITHER incarnate aimlessly NOR for Karmic debts….! Everything in your relation is dependent on LOVE and its feelings. No other theories work here.

You are here to spread powerful frequencies of LOVE and the divine uses your mutually shared chakra system to transfer the vibrations from higher dimension to Mother Earth. With the help of eternal bond you share with your other half, you pull the whole HUMANITY towards ascension.

Also in many other ways, you are here to set examples for “IDEAL LIVING” for the upcoming generations to follow…!

Twin Flame Guidelines are Far Easy Than RULES Shown By People

Twin flame relationship rules are FAR EASY than the worldly relationship rules… TRUST ME…! In twin flame relationships, the solution to any problem lies “Within Yourself”, as it works on “Combined Dynamics”. You carry within yourself the SOP of your relation with your twin.

The moment you stop listening to other people, you step out of the darkness of illusion. It means you can free yourself up from the 3D Ego Stories any time you chose…! And you can open to the truth that things are far more miraculous and amazing than people will suggest you to believe…! IF you can let go of the stories, the so-called rules, the labels…!






Love & Light

The Stereotypical Relationship Rules of 3D World are proving Disaster for many Twin Flames. Get out of the trap of Pre-Set Rules and Follow Your Heart – You will be Directed to the ACTUAL “Twin Flame Guidelines”.

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