Psychic Ability & Extra Sensory Perception

psychic ability

There was a time when psychic ability was considered to be as Super Power, and such person was considered to be Super Human….! We now have entered into a “huge global energy shift” after centuries. It is high time that you (Yes…each and every normal human being….!) should start developing your extra sensory perception and psychic abilities. Trust and nurture it, to make it more powerful…!

Who are Psychics?

Psychics are the human beings who have ability to connect into energy field or aura of another person and getting information about them.

If you are a psychic, you have your sensitivity most heightened. You go beyond words and expressions. Beyond what you see and what you hear with your normal motor and sensory organs..! You analyse things and situations just by sensing them…!

Being a part of world that emphasizes mostly on rational and logical reasoning, it somehow becomes tough for a psychic/empath to survive in normal course of the society. That is the reason most of the psychic suffers depression, anxiety and other psychological and emotional traumas at least once in their life.

What is Psychic Ability?

Psychic ability is the extra sensory power that works beyond your normal senses. We all possess various psychic abilities, EVERY HUMAN BODY POSSESS…!

In more or less intensity, they are present in every human depending upon how much you have nurtured it. You may call them as supernatural powers, but that is how every normal human body is..!

Our ancient scriptures sings significance of human incarnation above other physical animal bodies. This is because a human body mechanism is far more powerful than other bodies. The only thing that lacks is you have not known yet how to utilize it..! Sometimes what we see is not exactly the same in way it appears….!

psychic ability

What is Extra Sensory Perception?

Extra sensory perception is linked with your subtle body energy. It can be enhanced and awakened depending upon the level of your personal vibrations.

Most of the psychics vibrates at higher frequencies. This is because they have their subtle body very much organised and activated and in sync with their physical body.

To some it comes through transitional life experiences while in some we call it as GOD GIFTED…! That is not actually gifted….! It all depends upon the accumulated karmic frequencies present in your chakras at the time of your birth. The more your previous karmic frequencies are refined and subtle at the time of  your birth, the more are the chances that you are born Psychic….!

To know more about Chakras click here

extra sensory perception

Terms for Psychic Ability and Extra Sensory Perception in Detail


Empathy is a very wide term under which many of the psychic abilities comes. Empaths can actually feel things before they find things out it in real. You can sense when something isn’t right..!

Empaths can not only relate to others feelings and experiences but also feel and experience what others are exactly experiencing…!

You sense everything from others feelings, thoughts and environment as their own. You can even perceive others thoughts and forms of anger, love, lust, sadness, fear and happiness. An aware empath is very good at understanding other human beings, birds, animals, trees, rivers and nature.

You go beyond your words, expressions and not only listen to others but also notice their choice of words, tone, eye movement, facial expression to know what is the actual truth.

Empaths easily catch lies and fakes and can even interpret others silence. You can hear everything that other have not uttered yet. You can sense in advance the plannings that other have hidden in their mind even before one could think of having them done.

All activated and balanced chakras play vital role in development of powerful empathy. Each and every psychic abilities mentioned below can be considered under the term Empath.


It is the ability to reflect back energies to its owner. Mirror personalities act as mask to others. You act out others insecurities, anger, shame or suppressed guilt that they have buried within, by projecting it back to them exclusively.

If one have traits that they don’t like about themselves, it will be mirrored back to them in presence of a mirror personality. Providing one with a room for self improvement, mirror personality reflect back the truth that people deny.

Vishuddhi Chakra is related to ability of mirroring.


It is ability to heal others through transfer of energy by acting as medium. People feel more calm and peaceful around healers. Healers can cure negative and lower vibrations of others by transmitting vital universal energy force through their healing organs.

Your Anahata Chakra play very vital role in developing your healing ability.

psychic ability


Also known as INTUITION or INNER KNOWING, it is ability to intuitively know things that are different from your general thought process. This is commonly described as ‘gut feeling’. It is a very certain, strong and undoubted knowing.

It is the ability to sense and feel emotions both positive and negative and are totally different from your own feelings. You receive warnings in way of feelings that something is not right. Or get an excited and joyous feeling when something amazing is about to happen. Information comes to you without reason, logic and prior knowing.

Manipura Chakra is related to ability of claircognizance.


It is ability to see beyond what is visible with normal eyes. Including  situations, images, colors, things, persons, symbols, events and scenes through mental flashes. You may even see flashes of events already occurred or about to occur.

Ajna Chakra is related to ability of clairvoyance.


It is ability to hear beyond normal ears. To hear sound and conversation that is beyond the reach of normal sense of hearing. You get information in form of words, sounds, phrases, poems and songs.

Vishuddhi Chakra is related to ability of clairaudience.


It is ability to sense volume of energy like heaviness or lightness. You have strong power of discernment. You can  sense information through body sensations, tinglings or goosebumps and have ability to experience other persons emotional status with sudden transitions in your own emotions or moods or feelings.

Ajna Chakra and Anahata Chakra are related to ability of clairsentience.


It is ability to smell beyond normal smell senses. Smells could be aromatic and suffocating both. You receive mediumistic information or spiritual knowledge through smell.

Muladhara Chakra is related to ability of clairalience.


It is ability to receive the information through feelings and emotions after eating some food. Such information are mostly related to all persons who have been part of cooking the food entirely. You perceive thoughts of cook through your extra senses.

Swadhishthana Chakra is related to ability of clairgustance.

extra sensory perception


It is ability to obtain information about person and object through physical touch. Your skin act as a medium in getting the knowledge.

Anahata Chakra is related to ability of psychoscopy.


It is ability to transmit or receive thoughts, messages and communication in mental medium. It can also be used as very powerful  tool of communication. Telepathy happens between individuals having same personal frequency.

Ajna Chakra is related to ability of telepathy.

Remote Sensing

DOORDARSHAN – it is ability to see remote things, person and situations through your mental medium.

Vishuddhi Chakra and Ajna Chakra are related to ability of remote sensing.


TRIKAL DARSHAN – it is ability to perceive future events in mental medium.

Vishuddhi Chakra is related to ability of pre-cognition.


TRIKAL DARSHAN – it is ability to perceive past events in mental medium.

Vishuddhi Chakra is related to ability of post-cognition.


You may develop psychic ability by working on your chakras and subtle body. Your chakras are gateway to extra sensory dimensions of consciousness…! By activating your chakras and working on your accumulated karmic frequencies you get the key to access your extra sensory perception…..!

Trust your body sensations….! To what they have to say about particular situation of your daily life..! There could be a HIDDEN MESSAGE in it..!

Your body sensations are the messenger of your psychic ability and extra sensory perception. They become more powerful as you start implementing on them – beyond your layman logic..!




Love & Light

Consider enhancing your extra sensory perception as an urgent call in present time of energy shift.. ! The more you nurture your Extra Sensory Perception, the more are the chances of healthy survival in the coming future..!

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