Reminder: This is NOT a Regular Relationship


In this humanity’s entire quest for higher evolution, Twin Flames have incarnated in present time to ACT as a MEDIUM for change. You are beings that vibrate in higher state of consciousness. You are NOT AT ALL into a regular earthly relationship…..!

Twin Flames have the POWER to TRIGGER intense awakening in VERY existing life around. Take this as an ADVENTURE, there’s NOTHING to fear or panic. DO NOT let anything or anyone shake you off balance.

You Accepted Pre-Birth Bond of Learning and Reflecting

You have taken a pre-birth contract of learning through twin flame mechanism, so that you can teach others in need – to become POSITIVE EXAMPLE for others to follow.

Both of you are here to LEARN about HOW universe works, about law of karma, about law of cause and effect, about relationship responsibilities, about how we can create our own reality, about the power of manifestation, about the power of unconditional love, about the power of love over fear, about the strength of unity over separation…!

BOTH of you have to GO THROUGH these learning phases first INDIVIDUALLY and then TOGETHER. Once you are done with your personal lessons, you become ELIGIBLE for the union.

You are Here to CHANGE Earthly Perceptions of Love

The Ultimate Union in Twin Flame Journey demands being COMPLETELY naked before each other mentally and emotionally – and vulnerable with MUTUAL Trust and Unconditional Love.

The truth is, BOTH OF YOU KNEW – that the POWER of your Love for EACH OTHER is very HIGH and Unbreakable….!

That is the REASON you took this task. Twin Flames are here to LOVE – not just be in a regular 3D relationship, but to BREAK WIDE OPEN the earth perceptions of what Love means. You KNEW ALREADY that nothing can stop you unite…!

You are here to DISMANTLE conventional limits, old perceptions and human definitions of female, male, relationships, romance and Love. If on journey, any wounds/fears OR pre-conceived notions around being hurt in love comes up, you HAVE TO overcome them towards victory – and make others believe in Power of Love.

This CAN be done ONLY by beings of higher state as their Love is Pure and Divine…!

You both KNEW… that when on earth plane, in the VERY FIRST moment of recognition itself, your hearts would SO POWERFULLY connect to merge that everything that is NOT in resonance with True Love WOULD BEGIN to purge out and eliminate.

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It’s Mandatory to Pass Through Process of “Shedding Off”

Twin Flame Journey is about FIRST going through pre-set “human stories” about HOW “everything should be” and THEN advancing to start seeing “beyond the illusions”. In many ways it is the path of “Possible vs Impossible”.

Universe do “punishes” us for holding on inessential – limiting beliefs, baggage, false identities, old attachments, inabilities, expectations, ego-selves, pre-conceived notions, stubborn perceptions around Love…!

You have to shed off EVERYTHING that you were told you were while growing up….. So that you can see clearly how “Perfect” you are and can be for each other, and dwell into a new place of joy, love and mutual adoration.

You Deliberately Chose to Undertake Childhood Wounds

MOST OF the behavioral and psychological makeup of human happens in childhood itself. Unexpected and undeserved traumatic incidents experienced during innocent period of early life STICKS to your subconscious when in adulthood. They TEND TO obstruct every relationship you get into.

This makes you feel everything in a “pre-conceived way” – that you are not taken care of, that everybody cheats you, that nobody is concerned about you…! As an adult, you feel not being safe, not being able to trust others. Inner child wounds are one of the MAJOR blocks in Twin Flame relationship (and in every other human relationships too).

The process of healing from deeper wounds of infancy and consciously understanding our past experiences, is a POWERFUL THING on the Twin Flame journey. It takes your path into a whole different level. You chose to experience this, so you can heal yourself, uplift the Twin Flame mechanism and further guide others to heal. (Here is the Guidance to Inner Child Healing)

Advancing from (conceived)Traps of Regular Relationship Rules

Your connection is sacred, FULL of divine love, trans-formative, spiritual, and eternal.

When you TRY TO APPLY the traditions and expectations of a “regular relationship” to it, you CREATE frustration. SO in order to experience the divinity of the Twin Flame connection, you have to STOP trying to “control” it with regular expectations. Remove the old debris of the “human world belief systems” – 3D relationship patterns of control, conditional love and male/female conflict systems.

Twin Flames are here to uplift into a higher state of consciousness to invite in the divinity in the connection, and create new “stories” of unconditional love.

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Remember – You Both have Shared Consciousness – Ardhnarishwar Concept

Twin Flames always have an unconscious bond both DEEP DOWN and HIGH UP, there are no boundaries between Twins….. It’s ONLY on the physical human plane that we seem separate…. You Both Are “One Soul in Two Bodies”.

The Shiva and Shakti are GRAND-MASTER for Twin Flame Connections…!

Shakti – The Divine Feminine and Shiva – The Divine Masculine are Paradigms for Communion with inner wholeness and perfect balance. For you and your Twin, it’s ESSENTIAL to balance the Feminine side of intuition and openness to receiving with the Masculine side of execution/actions and outer achievements, within your each-selves..!

Twins ALSO have shared Chakra System and this is the reason we receive dreams of each other, out of our will. It’s how songs show up in us (out of nowhere) about what they’re feeling in present moment, and such other emotions.

You are the MOST Powerful Souls

Your 3D identity may “trick” you into feeling that you are in danger, or in conflict or in hardship. But the TRUTH is, you are capable of making things happen NO MATTER WHAT….. Trust yourself first.

Sometimes, Twin Flame mirror will keep projecting fears back to you if you yourself are feeling unfulfilled within. In such case, do some inner work to clear out the absorbed blockages.

There is ALWAYS a way to align with external events and maneuver from soul’s level.

Ask your inner self and it will guide you. Unity is the truth, your Twin is MEANT to be with you and you with them. Remember, you and your Twin are ALWAYS bonded by love on soul level – infinitely capable, perfect, well balanced and POWERFUL.

Your “Savior” is INSIDE of You

You are an infinite being who is here BECAUSE you chose to be…! You and your Twin Flame planned to come here together and you arranged SO MANY of your life’s circumstances with an intention to learn and reflect. To divide into “separation” in human bodies and journey back together.

You are NOT here to wait for some outer force OR magic to happen for you. The divine isn’t something outside of you or superior to you. You are the divine experiencing life as a human being – a powerful co-creator of your experiences!

You have to be a present, active agent in your own experience. This is a journey of cause and effect, and your soul will keep pushing you to take responsibility, to take action on your journey.

Following Intuition is a MUST

This is a MAJOR LESSON all Twin Flames are being pushed to learn – to connect with our “Spiritual Compass” – Intuition.

Universe will always be pushing you to go within, to connect to your own truth, to find your inner connection with your Twin Soul.

The MORE you look outside for answers, the MORE Universe will push you through tough circumstances and REAL LIFE BLOCKS which will ultimately make you to GO WITHIN and find your OWN answers.

Have faith in yourself, your ideas and stay focused on your desired outcomes. Following your intuition can surely manifest your well-earned rewards and blessings.

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The Divine Love You Both Share is Eternal

In a world centered on blames and problems, never permit them to be hindrance in your Twin Flame journey. You know your “stuff” better than anyone else…! There’s NO “Standard Twin Flame Rule-book”.

LOVE is the ONLY TRUTH for your connection. You are here for that..!

No one can travel your path or learn your lessons for you. You are the one who has to travel your path. Get into a state of love to ACTUALLY be open to receiving/experiencing love. SHIFT your focus and energy to open up your connection to the harmony and reunion you TRULY desire.

Universe wants you to experience these lessons to maximum, because that’s how you evolve. And that’s how you open up to a Love HUGE and WIDER than people on planet EVER experienced…!

You are Brave Souls & Beings of Light

Twin Flames are essentially two brave souls that chose to undertake the human illusions of POLAR DIFFERENCES, to understand what keeps earth and human beings out of love. You deliberately picked up the “Game of Life”…!

Again, you both KNEW before you came here that it CAN be done. You are here for THIS reason. It might not be EASY, but you knew it was POSSIBLE….!

You took this challenge/great gift of experiencing and sharing unconditional love with each other in the physical realm, and with the world TOO.


Twin flames are Old Souls with ADVANCED MASTERY of how Universe works. You are one original being of light who chose to divide into two in order to expand evolution. You share an identical core frequency.

Level yourself UP from veils of Maya…..! EMBRACE your Divine Soul Purpose. KNOW your efforts are SO largely appreciated…! You are PROGRESSING on your journey of exploring and expanding BOTH within yourself and with your divine counterpart in Twin Flame Relationship…! Many Blessings..!





Love & Light

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