Effects of Chakra on Your Personality

effects of chakra on your personality

Do you feel some of  your traits are out of your own control? And find few qualities of yours are quite stubborn to be changed for better? Do you wish to build your personality better but are lacking for strong directions? Then this article of Effects Of Chakra On Your Personality is for you!


Human personality is a sum of certain characteristics and patterns of behavior. It is a final product of how person feels, thinks or behaves under normal as well as specific conditions and circumstances. Moreover, the physical condition of your body also plays a vital role in developing your personality.

What is that factor which makes your personality different from others?  Its your accumulated karmas…! Your past and present karmas, in form of vibrations, are recorded in your chakras.

Chakra : The Store House

Your chakras are the storage houses in your subtle body. All your karmas are imbibed and imprinted in concerned chakras in form of frequencies. A human personality is a final combination of all vibrations gathered in your chakras. Depending upon your congregated karmas, your chakras functions. Your stored karmic frequencies are responsible for balance and imbalance of your chakras which results in present state of your physical and mental or psychological body.

There are certain life traits and qualities attached to each and every chakra of yours. By balancing that particular chakra, you can change your personality and manipulate it as per your wish or vice versa. This article shows you the ways to use your chakras to strengthen your personality. There are main 7 chakras in human body each located in alignment with spine of your body.

effects of chakra on human personality

Chakra – Location and Association With Consequences of its Imbalance

Mulaadhar or Root Chakra

Location– at the base of spine between anus and genitals

Associated with-

Courage, individuality, impulsiveness, grounding, pragmatism, survival, stability, support, security, safety, vitality and good physical health.

Imbalance leads to-

Anger, fear, lethargy, waist pain, apprehension, depression, anxiety, constipation, feeling unsafe, survival issues, security issues, low self-esteem, and fears related to family and society. Also low body weight as this chakra is associated with earth element of your body.

How to balance?

Doing physical activities, doing activities that exposes your palm and sole to earth, gardening, hiking, sitting on earth, walking on earth barefooted, eating water of earthen pot, doing physical exercise which perspire you. Eating red colored fruits is also beneficial for balancing this chakra.

Swadhisthaan or Sacral Chakra

Location- behind sexual organ below lower abdomen

Associated with-

Sexuality, sexual expressions, pleasure, passion of any kind, innovation, feelings, emotions, intimacy, procreation, polarity, sensuality, confidence, sociability, freedom, movement and creativity.

Imbalance leads to-

Guilt, resentment, low self-confidence, blame, lack of money/power/control, creativity and morality. Also physical dysfunctions like impotency, frigidity, ovaries-uterine problems, eating disorders, drug use, depression, alcoholism, polarity and imbalances.

How to balance?

Do something that you are really passionate about, follow your PASSIONS, do creative things, perform activities that you love doing, painting, accept sexuality in positive ways, doing innovative things. Swimming helps to balance this chakra as it is connected with water element of your body. Eating Orange colored fruits also helps balancing this chakra.

Manipur or Solar Plexus Chakra

Location-behind navel

Associated with-

Willpower, status, fame,  respect, prosperity, homage, knowledge, wit, laughter, humor, optimism, self-control, curiosity, awareness, self-esteem, self-love, prestige, wealth, power, reputation and spontaneity.

Imbalance leads to-

Mental and emotional issues like shame, envy, jealousy, ego issues, deceit, temptations, weak self-esteem, over sensitivity toward criticism, fear of rejection, self-image fears, fears of secrets to get revealed, indecisiveness and authoritative personality. Physical problems like stomach problems, ulcers, diabetes, constipation, nervousness, timidity, parasites and worms, liver/intestine/kidney problems.

How to balance?

Take Sunbath for 10 to 15 minutes regularly, do physical exercise of suryanamaskara on regular basis. Performing yajna of any kind can balance this chakra as it is connected with fire element of your body. Eating yellow colored fruits also balances this chakra.

Anahata or Heart  Chakra

Location- center of chest

Associated with-

Relationships, love, care, understanding, acceptance, self-acceptance, accepting others, compassion, forgiveness, pity, harmony, peace, renewal, growth, self-love, loyalty, honesty, integrity, clarity, unity, trust, service to others, letting go, unconditional love, spirituality, hope, confidence, generosity and friendliness.

Imbalance leads to-

Mental and emotional issues like grief, problems in accepting love of others, short temper, fear, anxiety, hate, trust issues, despair and pessimism. Physical dysfunctions like heart problems, blood pressure issues, asthma, lung problems, breast cancer and upper/back shoulder issues.

How to balance?

This chakra deals with air element of your body. Spend your time near to nature and greenery, provide time for yourself at natural places, practicing self-care and self-love, selfless service, compassion and acceptance, choose happiness/forgiveness and spend more time with people you love. Consume Green colored fruits and vegetables for balancing this chakra.

Vishuddhi or Throat Chakra

Location-throat or neck region

Associated with-

Truth, powerful communication skills, self-expression, wisdom, speech, trust, creative expression, planning, caution, clear speech, singing, vocal talents, speech talents, confession, surrender and faith.

Imbalance leads to-

Mental and emotional issues like self-expression problems, public speaking issues, decision making issues, lack of creativity, addiction, criticism, lack of faith and will, lack of authority, lack of in-dependency on personal views and vocabulary issues. Physical dysfunctions like neck or shoulder problems, sore throat, throat infection, mouth ulcers, thyroid dysfunctions, laryngitis, voice problems, gum or tooth problems and stuttering.

How to balance?

Always speak truth, sing, practice self-honesty. Express yourself by any means by writing or speaking or singing, motivate others, practice positivism, learn new languages and express your needs clearly. As this chakra is associated with space element of body, gazing sky also balances this chakra.

Ajna or Brow Chakra

Location- between eyebrows

Associated with-

Intelligence, insight, intuition, understanding, invention, psychic abilities, telepathy, mind reading, hypnosis, self-realization, perception, self-mastery, release, memory, fearlessness, unity, emptiness, bliss, joy, peaceful mind, open mindedness, checkpoint, detachment, divine powers, vision and power of discernment.

Imbalance leads to

Mental and emotional issues like illusion, fear of truth, lack of discipline, judgmental attitude, evaluation problems, emotional intelligence issues, concept of reality issues, confusion, negativity and over thinking. Physical dysfunctions like blindness, vision problems, migraines, ear problems, nightmares, sleep disorders, manic depressions, anxiety, schizophrenia, paranoia and equilibrium imbalances.

How to balance it?

Third eye meditation, release pre-conceived notions, be open to reality, stop overthinking, brain balancing exercises, trust your intuitions, be open to unlimited possibilities, use your creative imagination and spirituality. Trust  your inner guide and eliminate fear of death.

Sahsraara or Crown Chakra

Location- top of head

Associated with-

Knowings, wisdom, inspiration, charisma, awareness, higher self, purpose of life, self-sacrificing, divine connection, mysteries, living in present, spirituality, humanitarianism, ability to see from higher perspective, devotion, inspiration, values, ethics, connection to cosmic powers/cosmic energy and universal flow medium.

Imbalance leads to-

Mental and emotional issues like feeling lost in life, trust issues, selfishness, lack of purpose, loss of meaning or identity. Physical dysfunctions like mystical depression, disease of muscular system, skeletal system and skin, chronic exhaustion not related to physical ailments, sensitivity to light, sound and environment.

How to balance?

Meditation, live in witness mode, observe your mental activities consciously, stay in contact with high vibrational people!! Practice detachment of outcome, follow truth, follow completeness. All the great people in this world have their crown chakra balanced.




Love & Light

For physical dysfunctions mentioned, medication along with balancing chakra is preferred. Balancing all your chakras lead to good health and well-being.

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