“Inner Child Healing” – Make Yourself Open to Love

inner child healing

More often the reason behind our disturbances we’re ignorant of as an adult lies deep, buried in our subconscious. Unknowingly we TEND to run away from love relationships due to these hidden turmoils. All of us have within ourselves an inner child, the parts of who we once were, STILL in our subconscious. Someone who has grown up troubled, unresolved due to defective upbringing. This leads us doubt everything about ourselves.

Everyone has an inner child

There are a lot of unhappy adults out there whose inner child is LEFT unaddressed. The child aspect of our consciousness can be very healthy and cheerful that push us in living a joyful life or they can sabotage us if it is holding onto lot of fears and impaired beliefs.

Your inner child may contain unresolved issues from your childhood belonging to mistreatment done by your parents or caregivers like they dismissed your problem rather than empathizing you. This MADE your personal issues pile up and being left unresolved in your subconscious. They made you feel guilty for behaving or feeling in certain way by blaming you to be over-reactive. They denied their shortcomings and still expected you to behave to them in certain conventional ways. You were not heard in your own home. This lead to insecurity and self doubts. They shifted their blame towards you. Instead of accepting their fault and taking responsibility for it they PROJECTED blames on you. They never believed you and always doubted you to be lying OR relied on other’s information rather than trusting your words. You were NOT allowed to decide things for yourself and it became toxic when they didn’t gave you freedom of decision making.

How damaged inner child affect you?

It may show up in your behavior with your partner in relationships. You have FEAR of infidelity, FEAR of abandonment, FEAR of rejection, FEAR of being judged or other inner patterns that unfortunately deform your perspective and block your TRUE consciousness. These fears make you closed for love and drive towards being more doubting and demanding.

You become secretive in relationships with repressed anger or resentment, or hidden factors in a situation you’ve been dealing with. You’re likely to get disturbed by the truth that you don’t want to hear… You loose POWER of discernment. Something that seemed true to you will be revealed as false. You start falling prey to situations where you are hold to be responsible, rational and live according to other people’s expectations instead of your OWN truth…

The agony of self betrayal

There is sadness because you likely feel you have betrayed YOURSELF. And by repressing it, you give your partner to betray you, as emotions are always bounced back… Unfortunately this cycle continues in every relationship you move into, as the root cause is stemming via the inner child.

Sadness masquerading as anger

It might not come as sadness, because when you have repressed pain, you are not willing to go deep into subconscious as it may feel hurt. You avoid going that deep…! So it often comes out costumed in anger. This happens because in childhood you were taught to repress your true self, taught you that love was not real, that you were not loved for who you really were. So you constructed a false self to function in a reality that made you “wrong” for who you were. This has caused so much hidden anger and hurt.

Anger and arrogance are defense mechanisms designed to cover up inner hurt.  Deep down, you are in pain. It’s as if you have broken your OWN heart. So now there is no place for love left in your heart as it’s full of discontentment. And this is what has kept you from being OPEN to love.

inner child

Your soul purpose starts when you heal your inner child

Yes, we live in a society where these things may be forgotten (or may be you were forced to forget) as we grow up into adulthood. But forgetting who you are can make you lose your inner spiritual power.

Your inner child can bring up old memories from the past and even past lives. Many times, we are actually self-sabotaging our own happiness. By consciously facing it, you are able to understand why you went through things in your life and in absence of ego you can learn from your mistakes and life lessons.

There is so much that you can do in order to heal and manifest your soul purpose. Inner child healing is a necessary step for your soul work on this earth where you can reach to your true life path. This is how you can release and let go of all that has been broken and heal past old wounds inside yourself.

How to heal inner child?

Your inner child resides in your heart and can be approached through the Anahat Chakra. Delve deep into your inner world, go within, into the subconscious and into childhood for answers. Dealing with issues on this level helps you bypass the ego’s resistance mechanisms and profoundly shift your dynamic for the better.

Go into a deep state of meditation to take a journey of consciousness to your inner child aspect. Accept your wounds. Accept the dysfunctional treatments given by caregivers without any fear. Get clear on the the insecurities, the beliefs that may be pushing you away from love experiences. Make sure you note down thoughts and feelings that come to you at that time… Especially if you detect that you yourself have not been loyal to yourself in the past. It will help you, moving forward.

You may also have attachments to the past that are preventing you from moving forward, including to the fears and emotions we keep hidden, away from the surface. CLEAR THEM ALL. The moment you acknowledge them, THEY GET RELEASED..!

By plunging into the deep shadow part of our subconscious, picking up the problem, we can try to solve it. We shouldn’t keep it mute or escape from it, but rather heal it and let it converse with us regularly. This kind of re-alignment will completely change your timelines and the future of your relationship for the better. LIVE MORE in alignment with your truth. So that you can be open to your soul path and life purpose.

inner child

Benefits of inner child healing

We often grow as people through love relationships, and gain a deeper connection with our soul purpose…

IF you are willing to go within and confront any fears and “darkness”, this helps boost romance and creative endeavors – and brings a general feeling of enjoyment and flow. You’ll likely feel more at ease and hopeful, despite any challenges life is bringing. You enjoy social interactions and success in your endeavors and/or in love and romance. It not only make you intense, passionate and strong-willed, but also prove to be immensely healing and transformative. So now, any adversity that results from bad time has the potential to make your relationship more united and stronger than before.

You have more confidence, cheerfulness and beauty now than usual. This will also help your love partner, as your self love, self appreciation and seeing your own value more, helps you be more OPEN to love and positive developments. You’ll find it easier than usual to approach life with a positive attitude and show your true self to others.

It’s a positive and adventurous energy, and helps you to release old ideas of fear and limitation to open to something higher. You’ll also notice that the drawbacks you usually experience in your relationships have to do with old ways of LOOKING at romance. So, if you can see that your thoughts and perspectives affect your connection, and shift them, your circumstances will change for the better. You will discover new approaches to love and experience positive changes.

Release old and start fresh

Forgiving is one of the extreme important part for healing. Many times you are holding onto an extra baggage from childhood. Inner child healing expects you to forgive and release the old and outworn, what may have been holding you back… So that what is new and more positive can reach you for shining your true light. But it requires you to step out of your comfort zone and adapt to a higher state. When you’re not carrying heavy burdens on subconscious level anymore, it will open you to more inner peace, well-being and align you with more positivism in moving forward. Lifting your vibration and keeping it into a higher energy state will accelerate the process of bringing love and blessings into your life.

Become Your Own Parent

When we were young child, it was our parent’s or caregiver’s duty to take care of us. But now being adults, it is our own responsibility to care for the needs of our left out inner child. As adults its important to become the parent of our own inner child and give them the love, safety, pampering, acceptance and appreciation – all a kid ever needs and that may have been lacking in our own families while we were growing up. As the new parent of your inner child, it’s your responsibility to allow it to express the repressed emotions more now than before.

Focus on healing yourself, not others

Just as the distorted inner child, the damaged inner parent in us is important as well. Our subconscious possess multiple personalities born out of inner conflicts and each of them AFFECTS the other one somehow. The inner parent in you, who KNEW how to parent a child, that you lacked in your early life, STARTS parenting your love partner. You feel responsible to heal your partner as you haven’t been able to heal yourself. But imposing your parenting on them ultimately drives them AWAY. Anything in extreme is unhealthy. If you see that your partner’s inner child needs healing, you need to be there as an understanding inner parent. There needs to be balance in your approach. There needs to be self-healing first, then any effort at healing others.

The power of shifting energy

Did you ever felt heavy or sad that everything looked dark ahead…? But then you heard a song that you loved and that changed your state of mind in just a few minutes? Or you saw a baby smiling that was so loving that your sadness or hurt melted away? That’s the POWER of energy shift. And when you LOVE, you DO that. You can change your outer world. Not by going out and trying to “fix” people or get involved with conflicts. But by loving with a heart SO pure and FULL of love that it changes the very energy of your existence. That it creates a gateway to a higher state to be ABLE to rise upwards. When you heal your fears and your wounds and most importantly when you LOVE… you help the planet earth, you help mother nature, you help the animals and birds, you help humankind, you help the whole collective… Because this whole universe is energy in motion. The energy of love unites and heals. Whereas conflicts and resistance keeps things stuck in suffering.

Love Vs Fear

The only thing that’s most powerful in this world is LOVE. Release blocks that try to get in the way of love. Because love is an energy that heals and transmute darkness. Everything in this universe is made out of either LOVE or FEAR. These are the two extreme ends of continuum of emotions. If in doubt, go to your Higher Self. It will ALWAYS help you and explain what is happening, and help shift out of any negativity. Because when we’re down low it’s not always easy to shift into that higher state of love and resist negative energy in the moment. Work to stay in your heart, where you FEEL the truth. You will KNOW on a deeper level what is guided for you and what isn’t.

Message from Universe

The present tends to cause most problems when we have held onto old and negative patterns of approaching life – and outworn identity, ego patterns and other such. What has been hidden or suppressed cannot be contained any longer. A release is SURE to happen. If you are truly connected to inner state of your soul, you’ll do fine with this.

Divine’s essence is that we are in a period of re-integration, so don’t take things at face value. Stay centered in light of your soul and the ultimate truth will eventually reveal itself. Where others often get lost in fear and opposition, only pure human can hold on to perspective of light and love.





Love & Light

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