Saturn Return: Why 29th Year of Your Life is SO Important?

Saturn return

Whenever one reads or listens about Saturn Return, fear shots down, shivering their spines-Especially for those who have already faced their late 20’s….!!!  As soon as you enter the event of “Saturn Return”, your life all of sudden changes drastically for 2 years of time out of no-where…!!!

The 29th Year

29 is the age when you face the sudden effects of “Saturn Return” profoundly. This 29th year of your life, will depend entirely on how you have lived during the previous 28 years… to what extent you expressed or suppressed your ‘fundamental nature’… The first cycle of Saturn… is primarily based upon reaction to past conditioning, karma, parental influences, and social pressures….!!!! I see it as beautiful phenomenon though, however if you have lived your life doing tasks that are inappropriate for you, it will be a time of crisis…!!!

Saturn return

What Saturn Return Is?

Saturn Return is a period of human lives that verifies whether you are realizing your efficiency or not and living up to your duties. Saturn takes 2.5 years to transit in a sign and 30 years to transit through all 12 zodiacs. At the time of your birth, Saturn was positioned in a particular zodiac sign. When Saturn returns to your original natal sign in which it was placed at the time of your birth… after transiting through all the 12 zodiac signs, this phenomenon is called Saturn return.

For example, at the time of your birth, if your Saturn was placed in sign of Sagittarius, so when Saturn once again transits into sign of Sagittarius, that will be termed as your first Saturn return….!! This event happens in your late 20’s, which is around age of 28 to 30 years, depending upon your birth chart.

At present, Saturn is transiting in its own sign of Capricorn. People born with Saturn in Capricorn in their birth chart are facing their Saturn return right now..!!!! You face Saturn return twice in your life, first around age of 29 and second around age of 58. If you live long, then you may experience it around your 84 too.

Saturn return

What Saturn Represents?

In natal chart, Saturn represents your fears, doubts, core limitations and challenges. Saturn wants to face fear, overcome challenges and move ahead of limitations. When you move through these with patience and courage to resolve, you become master, amend karma, and gain victory!

The house in which Saturn is located in your natal chart is the area of life you are born to master….!!! This is where you will face most of your life challenges. But it is also where you will find ways to achieve success. This is where much of your life learning takes place.

First Saturn Return

Your first Saturn return happens at age of 29, but you are likely to feel it in the year leading up to your 30th birthday.

During your first Saturn return, you dismantle old mentality and start to build “new” that resonate with you and the life you want to create. Situations automatically starts doing this for you. You start taking charge of your life (willingly and forcibly both.. YOU HAVE TO… at any cost).

How you move through your Saturn return depends upon Saturn’s placement in your chart. Is it in weak position? Is it in bad aspect with other planets? Is it retrograde? These factors all help clarify whether your Saturn return will be challenging or rewarding. However, in most of the cases, it is both..!

Krishna Dharajiya

10 Key Events that Tend to Happen During Saturn Return at Age 29

***1)_Huge Personal Upheavals***

You face an urge to free yourself from painful feelings of deficiency, parental ties, and values learnt from the past… People who made inappropriate marriages at young age, sometimes split up, while those who have resisted commitment suddenly settle down…!!! You start to let go of fear or worry about what your parents, friends, mentors, or family members think about you or your life. The end result is usually a greater sense of stability and maturity.


The Saturn return is the most important period of introspection and self-analysis, which may rise directly from yourself or may be forced on you by circumstances… You review the past, doing filter of your aims… revising deeply your notions of many things…!! You face a complete change in your awareness for surroundings…


There is disintegration, disillusionment, as well as recognition of all that is false, one-sided, and unrealistic within your personality… An ultimately process of death and rebirth happens, fading off the old mask and discovering the real – and often less ‘perfect’ – individual.

***4)_Face-to-Face with Realism***

You face the real challenges of adulthood with a more realistic attitude… You have a sense of knowing yourself well for the first time. Now childhood is finally and irrevocably over…!!

***5)_Change in Identity***

You enter into process of delineating our personal identity…., seeking a Vision for your life. Your identity finally grows up on its own, having learned from many false starts and mistakes: Your life changes direction conspicuously and lead you eventually into maturity.

Krishna Dharajiya

***6)_Breaking Away the Irrelevant***

You may feel a good deal of inner conflict… Yet in spite of the disruption, something within you urges you to go on; you simply stop accepting the limitations.The Saturn Return is the realization that… if we really want to live happily ever after then we have to take control and set up our life in a more realistic manner. Consciously or unconsciously, you start pruning your life of everything that is not relevant to what you really are as a human being.

***7)_Change in Relations***

At the first Saturn Return, you often feel like an old debt is being discharged and many old karmic patterns and obligations are rather suddenly removed…!!!  By the end of the Return, you can be living a new life with a deeper purpose… All of these changes also lead to indicate a dramatic shift in your human relations too…

***8)_Change in Profession***

This period frequently coincides with your profound dissatisfaction at what has been achieved in life so far, and can thus be a time of crisis. This is often a year of choice which determines the direction of your life further, the type of associates you value, and the profession or business activity you can adopt… If you are not in profession that matches your life purpose, you are likely to abandon it, willingly or unwillingly.

***9)_Bad Health***

You could even have strange health issues come up unexpectedly and then subside after your thirtieth birthday. There are usually mind/body connections for these.

***10)_Fruits Of Karma Ripens***

You are forced to examine your life truthfully and faithfully. If you have been striving with integrity and growing the best you know how, a Saturn Return can bring the fulfillment of many years of hard work…!! If, however, you have built your lives on foundations of sand, Saturn tends to pull the rug out from under you…! Even at their best, however, Saturn Returns are rarely pleasant….!!!!

Things to Keep in Mind During Saturn Return

First of all be true to yourself in all ways and stop worrying about what others think.

We all have limiting ideas or beliefs that transfer into fears. They can delay you from moving forward or taking action. They can make you feel stuck. It’s important to note, though, these are often perceived and not real. Once you face your fears and move through, you take a giant step forward toward actualizing your most expansive life possible.

Have confidence, be brave to make commitments. Stretch beyond your comfort zone and take responsibility for your future.

Take care of your health, let go of the past, embrace the present.

Set and prioritize your goals, apply for your dream job, invest and save.

Stop spending money on things that won’t last.

Stop being people-pleaser and release the fear of rejection/abandonment.

Stop taking drugs/drink to escape reality.

Keep striving through something you’ve been working over as well as through your life.

Be authentic and transparent on all levels. This is actually the most important lesson Saturn wants you to learn throughout its return….!!!!

Saturn return


Saturn is a karmic mentor. His vision for us is not less than that of a loving father… He wants us to manifest our potential, accomplish our dreams, be indebted to no one, and be true to ourselves…!!! Through its Return, Saturn lets you know what you’ve matured. It invites you to let go off everything that is unnecessary.

If you don’t address the lessons that Saturn has been patiently yet consistently trying to alert you to, since last 28 years, he can show up in your life as an imposed crisis….!!!

If you successfully learn those lessons, rest assured, Saturn always offers rewards for good effort……

Stay On The Path…!!!!




Love & Light

Krishna Dharajiya

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