Vastu Shastra : How A House Affect Your Body & Mind

vastu shastra

Vastu Shastra is one of the significant Vedic Sciences which deals with structures and spirituality. Everyone wants to be healthy, wealthy and happy. But that could be achieved only if you follow rules of Vastu Shastra in construction of your house.

Story of Vastu Purusha

Once there was a big fight between Lord Shiva and a demon named Andhaka,  as he was trying to trouble Sati Parvati. After a long fight, the demon was killed by Lord Shiva. Shiva was fatigued after years of fight with the demon. So he sat down to take rest for some time. At that moment, drops of sweat from his forehead fell on ground and a dangerous horrible spirit named “Vastu” came out. He was hungry so he swallowed dead Andhaka’s blood.

As he was born by Lord Shiva, Vastu got place in Shiva’s “gana”.  He did penance and achieved boon of destroying the world to eat it up and satisfy his hunger…!! As a result he went on gobbling every single person he saw and there was a huge menace. All gods were also feared by the dangerous potency of Vastu Purusha.

One fine day when Vastu was trying to eat somebody standing near a building, all Gods jumped on him and kept him flat on the floor upside down. These Gods sat on the different places around him and circled him from all sides so that he dare not to stand up…..!! So this is how “Vastu Mandala” was form.

This Mandala is the set for a person to build his house. Every God sits in different mandalas and they play very important role in Vastu Shastra. But due to this act of Gods, Vastu’s hunger was left unsatisfied…!! So Gods provided boon to Vastu, “You take control of all houses in the world and if they are not built according to your rules, you can trouble and gobble them up…!!”

The 5 Elements of Creation

Healthy mind resides in healthy body….!! When you are not happy physically (from outside), it starts affecting your mind (from inside).

Our body is made up of 5 elements (panchmahabhuta – earth, water, fire, air, space). When these panchmahabhuta are balanced in your body, you stay healthy and happy..!! Your house is also created by these 5 elements only. If these panchmahabhutas are balanced in a house, people living in such house never face problem in life. (Your House is the BODY of Vastu Purusha).

Your physical body is home to your soul….!! In the same way your building/house is the home to your physical body…!!! So imbalance in structure of a house disturbs it’s residents…!!


vastu shastra

Interrelation of 5 Elements, Human Body and Directions

Each direction has a unique elemental property attached to it as per Vastu Shastra. The chakras of your body are also related to each of the five elements as below:

Si No Element Type Direction of House Chakra of Your Body
1 Earth South-West (Nairutya) Muladhara
2 Water North-East (Ishaan) Swadhishthana
3 Fire South-East (Agni) Manipura
4 Air North-West (Vaayavya) Anahata
5 Space Center (Brahmasthaan) Vishuddhi

Read More About Human Body Chakras and 5 Elements Connection Here.

Effect of Directions on Your Body

The whole universe works on concept of frequency and vibrations. Every element of panchmahabhuta has its own range of frequency….!! So the elements of your house have direct effects on the elements of your body. But sometime we destroy these elements.

For example, Agni is the direction provided for fire element as per Vastu Shastra. So ideally, kitchen is built in Agni direction. But if you built a toilet there, you are directly destroying the fire element of your house by flushing water…!! As a result problem related to manipura chakra starts developing in the residents…!!

Your manipura chakra deals with Power, wealth, ambition, hunger, nourishment, digestive system, stomach, strength, willpower, status, fame, respect, prosperity, homage, knowledge, wit, laughter, humor, optimism, self-control, curiosity, awareness, self-esteem, self-love, prestige, wealth, power, reputation and spontaneity.

So now imbalance in Agni direction/fire element of house leads to mental and emotional issues like shame, lack of ambition, envy, jealousy, ego issues, deceit, temptations, weak self-esteem, over sensitivity toward criticism, fear of rejection, self-image fears, fears of secrets to get revealed, indecisiveness, loss of finance and authoritative personality. Physical problems like stomach problems, ulcers, diabetes, constipation, nervousness, timidity, parasites and worms, liver/intestine/kidney problems in the people living into that house…!!

In the same way, there are sets of dealing and specification of other chakras too…!!

(Read here – What each chakra deals with and what it’s imbalance leads to).

vastu shastra

Chakras of Vastu Purusha

The way human body have chakras, the Body of Vastu Purusha (YOUR HOUSE) has chakras too….!!! (Refer to Vastu Mandala image above). If the chakras of Vastu Purusha (your house) are imbalanced, it starts disturbing your personal chakras too…!! As a consequence, problems related to those chakra start seeping into your life.

The Ajna of Vastu Purusha is in northeast direction and Muladhara is in southwest direction. Ajna chakra deals with clarity of mind, clear vision, sharp mind, your thoughts, subconscious, intuition, judgement power etc. When Ajna chakra of Vastu Purusha (Ishan direction) is disturbed (i.e. if water element is not maintained in Ishan), it distracts subconscious of people living into that house….!! Their mind stays imbalanced which result in negative thoughts, improper deeds, bad habits and unhealthy life style….!!

Your subconscious drives your life on whole. These Vastu dosha effects are so subtle that you cannot notice at instance, as it impacts on vibrational level….!! But later on, they collectively pile up into a huge tragedy and we name it as our “Fate”…!!!

How Vastu Shastra and Astrology are Inter-Dependent?

Vastu Shastra and Astrology are very much correlated to each other. Vastu Shastra is derived from 4th house of astrology. There are 12 houses in astrology, where the 4th house signifies property, vehicles, house, architecture, mother, happiness etc.

“Vastu” is derived from “Vaas” (to reside in Sanskrit). So it’s a place where one resides. Astrology is the parent of Vastu Shastra. So astrological elements hold importance in Vastu Shastra too. Each direction of your house have a ruling astrological planet attached to it, which creates counter effect on the people living in that house….!!

(We also know that planets are the heavy celestial bodies which have direct effects on Earth too. Best examples are – tides and ebbs in ocean on full moon and new moon nights…)

vastu shastra

House Directions and Their Ruling Planets as per Vastu Shastra

Building structures in proper direction is very important as each and every direction is allotted to a particular planet as below:

Si. No. Direction Planet
1 East Sun
2 South-East Venus
3 South Mars
4 South-West Rahu-Ketu
5 West Saturn
6 North-West Moon
7 North Mercury
8 North-East Jupiter

Kundli Yogas and Vastu Shastra Connection

The good or bad yogas of your birth chart give results using Vastu of your house as a “MEDIUM”…!!

For example, If you have Pitru Dosha in your birth chart, it cannot affect you until and unless your house has Pitru Zone (south-west) disturbed. But if you live in a house with south-west direction Vastu and elements imbalanced, your Pitru Dosha gets “AMPLIFIED” 10 times and start giving you bad results… Sometimes EVEN MORE than you deserve…!!

Another example, Let’s consider, planet mercury is “well placed” in your birth chart. Now, if the direction of mercury (i.e. north ) is having Vastu Dosha OR if the element of north direction is not maintained in your house, your mercury will not give you good results…!!

Thus, your birth chart conjunctions can give you good or bad effects by being in compliance with the Vastu of your house. So, even if you have bad yogas in birth chart but you stay in Vastu compatible house, you may reduce the worst to minimal..!!

(However, in most of the cases, I have noticed that when you are nearing a phase where you are to have good/bad days in life, you automatically shift into a house having concerned Vastu Dosha that fructifies your good/bad yogas of birth chart …!! — This is an indication that your “Shadow Self” is driving you — Take charge of your subconscious to avoid such Pre-Destined “Fates”...!! )


Today, people live the way they like and wish…!! With a belief that Vastu Shastra is a Myth OR thinking that its too costly for them to build a house as per the rules of Vastu Shastra….!! (Of course, there are unwanted compulsions sometimes..) But later what happens is that they suffer “More Than The Expense” they would have invested in building Vastu compliance house and have had lived very nice life with wealth and health…!! (And this is FACT..!!)

One time of a smart work is better than being punished daily…!! After all Human builds their HOME for peace and stability… And not for suffering and unhappiness…!!  Just Think Of It Once…!!




Love & Light

(Topic Credits – Shetul Patel)

An Absolute Peaceful Structure for Living – BHOONGA of Kutch, Gujarat

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